Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"What?!" my best friend shrieked, putting a hand to her forehead dramatically, "They can't do that! This is a violation of your rights!"

Meet Elena Bora a.k.a my best friend. She's your typical indian semi-goth writer. Elena and I have been best friends since birth. Our parents are best friends. Our grandparents are best friends. Our families are practically one. She's a bit scary, over dramatic, so gorgeous it could probably make models feel self conscious, moody, and annoying but I love her. And if you hurt her, I'll kill you. If she doesn't get to you first that is.

"Actually yes they can. They sort of make the money." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up!" she said, then glanced down at her IPhone screen and squealed, "Growing Up, which is My Wattpad Love's sequal, was updated!"

"You and wattpad, I swear." I said rolling my eyes for the second time.

She unlocked her phone and opened wattpad to start reading. I snatched her phone away and she glared at me, "Give me that back!"

"My parents are taking away my money and made me promise to stay out of trouble and all you can do is go on!" I demanded. I actually wasn't that surprised she chose wattpad over me. Wattpad is her drug. I'm not even kidding.

She glared at me and if there's one thing you should know about her is, she can be scary as hell. But I'm her best friend so granted it had no effect on me, "It's Wattpad not! And if I find out there was Team Evan action in this chapter and you didn't let me read it I will cut of your boobs and sell them to Juan!"

"Who's Juan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My body part dealer!" she said in a duh tone.

See, the thing with her was you never knew if she was kidding or not. I sighed and gave her the phone back, "Fine, whatever. I guess I need to find a new best friend who listens to me!" I was totally kidding but this was the only way to get her to actually talk to me and not read her Wattpad stuff.

"The feels." she whispered, her eyes watering, "JEVAN IS BACK BABY! And- wait what?!" Elena said looking up. She set her phone back, "Fine. Rant girl. I'm listening."

"Finally." I said then I began the longest rant in history (I'm exaggerating, sue me!), "Okay what happened was bad. I admit that. It was my fault and don't they know the guilt weighs on me everyday? But them taking my money away is ridiculous! Look, I'm not trying to sound like some spoiled rich brat. But if I have to downgrade from Tiffany's to Target then I am going to freaking murder someone. AND they made me promise I have to stay out of trouble! Like if I get in trouble I can kiss good bye to ever seeing my money again. It'll be fuggs not fendi for me and-"

"Maybe this is a good thing." Elena said cutting me off.

My jaw dropped, "Elena, this is not the time to be positive!"

"No, no seriously! Think about it. You can become a good girl and everyone knows bad boys fall for good girls! It would be a Wattpad cliche come to life!"

I rolled my eyes for the third time in the last ten minutes, "But I'm not a good girl."

"Plot twist?"

"There isn't even a bad boy at our school.."

"Shhh." she quieted me, "I can see it now. A player bad boy moves to our school and you catch his attention. Fate throws you into the most awkward situations together and you guys slowly fall for each other. He smirks, you swoon. You flirt, he falls! Next thing you know, you're making babies and I'm a God Mother!"

I blinked. And blinked again. "Seriously Elena? That's never going to happen!"

Little did I know, Elena was fucking psychic.

* * *

"Lola! I'm going to die!" Elena shrieked.

"Why? What happened?" I asked. i had just came out of the bathroom and Elena had just got off the phone with her parents. She was going to tell them she was sleeping over at mine.

"My parents-" she said and cut herself off with a sob.

"What?!' I demanded, concerned, "What happened to them?!?!" Her parents were like my second parents. Horrible scenarios were already running through my mind. What if they were mugged? What if they died?

"They cut of my money too!"

I sighed in relief and then smirked, "Karma is a bitch."

"So are you!" she said, "and you know why they cut it off?"

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Because they saw your parents take away your money and now they think it's an amazing idea!" she wailed, "Apparently I need to learn to be more "down-to-earth". What is this down-to-Earthness they speak of?!"

I immediately felt guilty, "Oh I'm really sorry. Do you want me to talk to them?"

"It won't help!" she sniffled, "I was about to hand pick my favorites out of Venaces fall collection and now-" she choked out another sob, "I can't!"

"There, there." I said trying to be conforting by patting her back, "Why don't you go find another story on wattpad to read?" I offered.

She perked up and then slumped down again, "I've read all the good ones."

"Whatever." she said, her mood swinging, "I'm just gonna go listen to some Suicide Silence." and with her chin up high she stormed off to her room in my house. [Yes, she had her own bedroom in our mansion.]

When she was like this, it was best to leave her alone.

I glanced around my room and it felt way too happy for my mood. One wall was hot pink and the others were cream. On the cream walls, wall arts in teal and hot pink decorated the walls. My bedding was frilly and teal. The floor was dark wood and it had a cream furry rug to lighten it up. My beside tables and desk were white.

Wait. I have a desk?! Since when?

Okaaaay then.

Every piece of furniture in my room was like a few thousand dollars each.

Huge bay windows let lots of light in during the day but right now it just gave a nice view of the stars and moon. Overall my room screamed bright and happy.

And because my parents made me promise to stay out of trouble my mood was the polar opposite. I loved trouble. I loved partying and drinking and to my parents that was trouble.

I sighed and crawled into bed. After flicking the lamp off, I fell asleep.


A/N: Thoughts? Comments?

Should I continue?

Indie xx

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