Chapter 3

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Chapter Three: Awoken

My eyes open and the world surronds me. I seem to be alive but, shaken up. I get up and dust my dress off, I am such a mess. I feel my head and its wet.

I look around to see the woods and mighty trees. I walk around surprisingly finding my way out and, emerge to the side of the road. Cars go past me and I sit down, waiting. Suddenly I see our neighbors car, the Dunabees come to a stop. 

Mr. Dunabee gets out and slams the door. "Susan I asked you to fill up the tank this afternoon!" He says in aggrivation. He gets out gasoline from the trunk and refills the gas tank and Mrs.Dunabee assists him. "Mr.Dunabee may I get a ride home?" I ask. "Get in the car, I don't want to hear any of it we all need to get home." He says. I get into the backseat and buckle up. We soon get to our neighborhood.

I look into our bay window to see my mother sitting on the couch and weeping, with her  

handkercheif in her hand. "I come home after a long days work to find that my dauhter is bloody missing!!" He yells so loud that the windows could shatter from his voice. He says some curse words that my mother would kill me for. "She could be...!" He says. "Come on say it, Richard we all know the truth!" My mother says and then storms up stairs. I see my father breakdown in the living room. Tears start to come down my face,and I bang on the door "IT'S LILLIAN MAE LET ME IN!" I scream as loud as my body would let me. Then I collasped taking it all in as I realize I do not longer exist physically.

I am just a dead child. I slept on the patio and woke up to knocking on the door. I looked up to see a police officer. "Hello... officer may I help you?" My dad says. "You a uh,Mr.Parker?" The officer asked. "Yes, have you found my Lillian?" He asked.

"Yes but... we found a dead body with spinal and cranial damages, a uh football lay there next to her, quite bloody. My fathers face looked empty. "Thank you officer." I slipped through the door and went into my bedroom and hear the front door close slowly. Oh, why did I have to die...? I hugged my pillow tight and cried for what seemed like a day. I heard my parents mourning and wanted to just vanish.

The dark usually scared me but I just let it take me away. I washed of the blood and dirt off hopefully it would wash me away.

What. will. happen .next?! FIND OUT >>>

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