She had expected to find herself cold but, she could not feel or tell, well, it was neutral beyond she had ever informed.
The gondola glided on, it slid right beside the dock, and it halted.
She sat there trying to grip onto the place; there was no noise, not her own breath, or water lapping against the gondola or dock.
Nothing to smell not rancid water, musty buildings around her, not the acidic air she breathed in.
Her fingers did not feel the smooth polished wood she was grasping, not the moistness collecting on her skin, not the heaviness clinging on her.
There was nothing moving , not a ripple in this momentous time.
SpiritualA young girl finds herself wrapped in emotions unbearable, mentally trapped in a world created by her fearful mind that traps her physically in it also.Journey along side this troubled young girl in a passage through an abominable part of a contrast...