Part 3

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Jeffy looked down at the previous note left in the book, slightly confused.z

Shaking his head, he gets up and writes
Let's go then. Do you need to pack?

This time, i shake my head and get up, grabbing my favourite hoodie and sliding it on over my dinosaur pyjamas.

Jeff stares at my clothing choices for a second, glides his gaze up and down my body, stopping for a barely noticeable millisecond on my chest, before writing-

As hot as you are, we are going to a house filled with new people. Are you sure you don't want to PUT A BRA ON and put normal clothes on? Please pack a bag...

I mumble in annoyance under my voice, not really even trying to say anything, and motion to him to look away.

I put on a bra and gray t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, black and blue hoodie and the first colour converse I saw.
Sliding a brush through my hair, I notice Jeff looking sheepishly over his shoulder before blushing that I'd noticed and turning away again.

In a tiny rucksack I put in a change of clothes, underwear, brush, shampoo and conditioner, and my favourite knife that was hidden under my mattress.
It was a shiny knife, with a black hilt and a blue to red blade.

I shove in some ammo and a pistol that i had found and mastered a while ago in the woods, and poke Jeff in the shoulder.

Let's go. I sign.

Raising his thin eyebrow, a noise escapes his lips.

Sighing, I point at the window.
Let's go! Learn sign language...

His mouth purses into an 'o', and he exits, holding out his hand for me to take so that i dont fall.

I ignore him and jump the full length of my second story window, avoiding the tree that Jeffy jumped to.

Landing perfectly and rolling, i motion to Jeff to come down.
He looks shocked.
Why does he look shocked?
Uh. I dunno.

He climbs down the tree and we begin walking into the woods.

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