Meating him

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Carrie told her mom I'll never love again sweaty I'm sure  you'll love again.  Mom you know if there are any boys on the street.  I just want someone to get him out of my head.  There is one boy who is a great boy who is sweet go check him out OK she said at least I still have you mom

Hi I'm Carrie what's your name Elijah that's a nice name Elijah.  We  should hang out sometime.  How about this Friday and today is Wednesday.  Mom he is cute but i'm not ready for a another boyfriend I mean when I'm ready for a boyfriend I'll know.  Damn every time I get a boyfriend he either dies or moves grr. The reason why I said die is because my old boyfriend died of cancer.   did this ever happen to you.  No. mom im going to sleep i love you.  (next day)  

Tomorrow were meeting I will be nice I hope.  I'm going on a ride to the park.  2 hours later mom I'm home.  Hi sweatheart  what did you do at the park nothing much.  I am going to clean my room.  1 hour later her mom called her  when she got in the room Carrie was asleep (next day) Carrie gets dressed and goes to see Elijah. Hi  how are you Carrie good you good.  What are we doing Today.  Elijah said I like you  Carrie .I like you to  since you like me  and I like you I was wondering if you wanted to date me shure I mean I want you to come meat my mom OK he said let's go.               Mom I want to show you my boyfriend.  OK mom this Elijah.  I'm going upstairs mom.  o.k (30 minutes) later knock knock mom I'm going to get the door.  Who is it.  Damon  Carrie opens the door she says what are you doing here I'm coming here for you I moved back for you who is he he's my boyfriend since you moved I got a new boyfriend well you have to choose me or him.  I need some time to choose.  Oh my gosh mom who do I choose.  Wait what choose who.  Damon came back. We'll who loves you more.  Damon came back for me because he loves me and I love him too.  I dont know about Elijah because he only cares about dating me. I think I'll choose Damon.  I'll call them know.  Their here come in.  I'm sorry but I have to choose... Damon.  I'm sorry Elijah i love Damon more.  I'll never leave you again Carrie

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