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Getting ready for my blind date is scary, you never know how you'll feel once you have met the person, how the date will go, if you will both be compatible with one another or even if you will want to spend more time with that person.

I decided to go casual, like I did at the nightclub the other night with the stunning, most down to earth girl I have ever spent time with in a long time. I was texted an address of where to meet the mystery girl and I knew I needed to be there for 12pm. I arranged for awkward Alfred to drive me there. He agreed and we left at 11:30. It takes about 20 minutes to get there so, at least I will be early.

I was provided with a brief description of the girl I was meeting. I was told she would be sitting near a window and had long dark hair with an American accent. Straight away, she sounded very interesting. I got to the door as Alfred drove the car away. I felt nervous yet excited about my mystery date. I looked over and saw her, she looked magnificent.

I strolled, casually, over to her, she wasn't looking at me but at the menu for the cocktails. I caught her attention as I got closer to her, she must have felt my nervousness. She smiled at me as I returned the expression, words did escape me. I had a strange feeling, as if I was in love.

"Hey, I'm Meghan" she introduced herself, a smile beaming from her face as she stood up to shake my hand and welcome me.

"I'm Harry, it is lovely to meet you Meghan. Is that an American accent I hear before me?" I questioned. She nodded as our waiter come to take our order. I ordered Steak, medium, with chips and sliced tomatoes. One of my favourite dishes, Meghan ordered the same.

Further into our meal, we got talking about ourselves, our backgrounds, family, future ambitions, things like that. It amazed me how much we had in common. Guess our friend paired us together better than Cupid's arrow ever could. Saying that, I cannot get Annie out of my head. There was something about her I couldn't put my finger on of what intrigued me about her. Was it her humour, good spirit about the future, or just the plain fact that she, like Meghan, was interesting to talk to. All I know is, I lost Annie's number so, even if I wanted to talk to her again, I couldn't.

"So, Meghan, what are you doing tomorrow?" I asked, sipping my water.

"Not much, well saying that I fly home tonight" she shrugged as she spoke. "I've had the most amazing time with you"

I smiled at her, "Me too. Hey, I'm going to the Invictus games in Canada on Friday. I would really love it if you could join me."

It was a big ask of me. I really like her and really would love her to join me there. A big cause which I really love and someone who I really love, to me, that sounds like a match.

"Yeah, I'd love that". She smiled back at me and put her phone number in my phone as I did the same. To me, this felt like something which would happen in high school rather than in adulthood. Just as we put our numbers in each other's phone, it was time to depart. Not going to exaggerate but, this date, has been amazing.

Still a couple of things are playing on my mind, where's Annie, I wonder what she is doing and when will I see her again...

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