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I landed in America, my home and my first thought was my mom. I missed her so much. The only communication we had was facetime, and with the time difference, sometimes even that was a struggle. I knew I didn't have long before suits was being filmed so me time was pretty much no time. I was messaging my friend the entire journey from the airport to my home, every other sentence mentioned Harry and how I was falling for him, his charm and also his looks.

Sure I am a little older than him and also been married before but, I feel a real connection to Harry and I don't know if it is a little to early to say this but, I think he may be the one. As I rode in the cab to my home, the familiar sights of the stores and beach go passing by, reminding me of how much I love L.A and what made me want to live here. Me and Harry also agreed to keep our date on the down low so nobody can know. Well, saying that my mom, his brother and sister in law, his grandmother and my best friend knows, but that's all.



I sent the message to Annie, a nervousness overwhelmed me about it, the same feeling I had when me and Meghan went on our date together. Meghan makes me feel loved for me, not the royal me but so does Annie. I know I need to choose, Meghan or Annie. Neither one of them know about the other, and I don't want to string them both along, it wouldn't be right or the gentleman thing to do.

"Will, it's me. I don't know what to do about Annie or Meghan."

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. I fly out to Canada on Friday but I don't know"

"what's Canada got to do with anything? Look, bro, just go on one more date with them. See how you feel"

And with that conversation, I hung up. Both girls' names running through my head. I asked Meghan to come with me, but not Annie. I don't know why I asked her and not Annie. But I decided one more date and see how it goes.

About 5 minutes later, my phone buzzed and showed Annie's name. I hesitated in opening it mainly because I was worried about what would be said. Eventually I plucked up the courage and unlocked my phone:

"Hey Harry it's me, Annie. I'd love to come over. Text me the date, time and address. I can't wait to see you again

Annie xx"

I smiled and popped my head up to look at Alfred, smiling.

"Alfred, how about you take me back to where we were. I think I have a date"

"Who with sir?" he asked politely

"Nobody you know" I replied, dropping back into my seat as the car was turned around.

My Affair With Prince HarryWhere stories live. Discover now