Chapter 23 -phone call

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Jake's POV
Ughhh today is Monday
I low key really wanna drop out
Fuck school they don't teach me shit
(Stay in school kids it really good for you😂)
It's 6:50
I'm still laying down with my bae
We are still just naked laying down
God she's so fucking hot

Then I get a phone call from a random person
I answer it

*on phone*
J: hello?
?: Jake paul
J: yes

I sat up a little because he kinda scared me
His voice sounded like a deep male voice like really really deep though

?: I need you to stay the fuck away from Erika
J: what the fuck why she's my girlfriend
?: exactly I need you to break up with her
J: no why she's the love of my life I can't do that
?: I am warning you
J: I don't care I'm not gonna do it
?: if you don't break up with her by the end of school I will kill your mom Pam

My heart sunk instantly
This dude knows my mom
He's gonna kill her if I don't break up with Erika
God what do I do

?: and if you call the cops or say anything about this I will kill you too
?: if I see you with her at the end of school I'm going straight to your house

I started to tear up
God WHY!!
I then looked down at Erika
I started hugging her knowing I'm not gonna have her no more
I go to the bathroom
And clean my face off

I go back and start waking up Erika with kisses
I don't want to break up with her
It's my mom
She birth me
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her

She finally wakes up

E: *groans* ugh baby what time is it
J: good morning to you too and it's time for you to wake up we got school
E: ughhhhh
She gets up
And kisses me
E: good morning sweetheart
I laugh
J: come on let's get ready I wanna go get break fast
E: okay

We start to get ready

I wear a Gray sweater with the sleeves cut off
and some light jeans with gray high top vans

My bae is wearing a long red sweater that goes to her thighs and a jean jacket with her hair up in a pony tail and she's wearing long black boots

J: damn my baby be looking FINE
she laughs
E: my daddy by looking hot as hell
J: ouuu daddy
We both laugh
J: come on let's go baby
E: yes daddy

We leave the house and go eat breakfast
This whole morning I kept on hugging her and touching her and being all over her
She was doing the same
If she knew
But I know she doesn't

We finally get to school and we're at our locker
Just making out
We're really going in
God I'm gonna miss this

I pull away
J: baby
E: Jakey
J: I just wanted to let you know that I fucking love you with all my heart
E: awe baby I love you too
She kisses me
And I pull away
J: if anything were to happen to us...
I start grabbing her hands
J: just know that I still love you okay?
She smiles like if that meant nothing
E: of course baby
I kissed one last time
I made it a good one
Then the bell rings

And we got to class
We had to go separate ways
I got my schedule changed
So we only have one class with each other
And it's 7th period
Our last period
Good thing we have lunch together

That's when I'm gonna do it
That's when I'm gonna break up with her

Erika's POV
Jake has low key been acting weird
He's been all over me
But I don't mind it
I love him
He so cute

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