|EIGHT| - Near

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A/N: Not Gonna Lie...I may of had to much fun writing this part

My eyes snapped open as I feel the taste of water fill my lungs. My senses were slowly waking up...I was slowly looking at the air bubbles in the tank I was in before I was fully aware I was in a tank. I made a small sound and using my legs and arms to swim I went a bit closer to the glass that was keeping me contained in the glass.  I took in a deep breath and looked at my hands. There were in scales as I let out a small sigh before looking at the dark room trying to get a sense of where I was..I tapped the glass once..


I watched the crack form due to my single touch before I studied it a bit further...Using one final tap on the glass...it shattered into a million shattered pieces. The moment the glass broke I stumbled out along with the water that was kept in the tank. My body landed on the floor as I let out a small in take of air into my lungs. My body shook and crumpled a bit before I slowly arched my back. The slight pain of my sharp teeth hit me like wild fire. I let out short breaths as I hear the sound of running footstep.



I can feel my nails grow bigger and bigger as I begin to feel a sense of anger. This made me think right back to Hydra...the people who took me...the people wh-I couldn't think anymore...This could be them. Not wanting to take any chances I let out a scream which produced sonic waves knocking the guard that alerted me being awake to the wall. I can hear the sounds of more running as I hear the sounds of the alarm. Without waiting another thought I quickly ran out of the room and into the hall ways. As I walk through the hallways as fast as I could I noticed a white silky towel...Noticing what Im currently wearing I quickly took it and wrapped it around my body before walking down the halls. 

"Stop right there!"

I  turned my head around slightly to see more soldiers aiming their weapons at me. I let out a moment of short breaths before I dashed forward. Their weapons fired...their bullets I dodged or my nails cut in half before slammed foot onto one soldier's head, knocking him out. Then with a deep breath I let out a sonic scream which knocked out the soldiers around me. I let out a small pant before turning to walk away from the whole scene before I felt a whiplash of wind. I turned to the wall before noticing an arrow submerged into the wall. I noticed a red light turn green.


I felt my body slam itself against the brick wall, letting out a small yelp I let out a long breath. My heart beat was going a little bit faster as I quickly turned my head to see a man...holding a bow and arrow aimed at me. 

"You might wanna give up right now....and calm down...well while you have the chance to" he says, his eyes never moving and his aim never changing. I give him a short look. My eyes turned towards the window which showed the outside sky.

"As if asshole" I mumbled under my breath before, without another thought, ran towards the window. I could hear the shot of the arrow being fired before it barely missing me by a landslide. My body collided with the window.


The glass cracked and shattered into million pieces, landing inside the the building or falling outside of the building. I felt my body weight pull me towards the ground fast like someone pulling me forcefully before I landed on the ground. Without another thought I ran into the forest as fast I could...

Never looking back...without noticing someone else was watching from another window...with their arms crossed watching me run. I wasn't even thinking as I ran as fast as I could before I tripped and fell onto the floor. My vision was a bit blurry...But I still got back up and ran the rest of the way...til I saw the city once more...I was relieved....

"Finally" I whispered, I could feel myself change back into human as the water in my body dissolved like nothing was there.

"Wow you looked like you been on a run" a voice stated before I turned around to see...



A/N: Yay for action ^-^ 

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