Getting Out Of The House

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Pj didn't know what he could do, he was alone, depressed and bored as hell! Then the idea popped in to his head, “Chris!” he thought out load. Bolting toward the phone Pj knocked over a total of three things, but he couldn't be bothered with those now, nothing would distract him from what coild get him out of this slump. Chris was the only one who could make Pj genuinely happy whenever he saw him a smile would spread across his face even in the worse of times. There was something about Chris that just made Pj feel good, his heart would beat whenever they touched, like a mini adrenaline rush filling his body. He tried his best not to think about these feelings, if he thought about these feelings he would have to admit to himself that he might have a crush on his best friend, and he couldnt do that, awkwardness was something he never like facing.

He quickly dial Chris' number


“Hellloooo” Chris' somewhat nasally voice chimed , a blush grew across pj's cheeks

“Hey Chris, its Pj.” He said with excitement yet his hands were fidgeting

“Ahaha I know Peej I do have caller ID, anyway, whats up?” Pj's blush got even deeper at his laugh

“Oh... I was just wondering if you were home, so we could hangout and stuff” Pj quickly shut himself up so he wouldn't ramble to much.

“ Oh 'and stuff'” pj could hear the smirk on chris' face “sure come right over.”

“Yay! Be there in 10” Pj said blushing furiously. Pj quickly ran out the door not even changing out of his pyjama pants. He jumped in his car and sped to Chris'



“oh that must be Peej.” Chris thought aloud while finishing cleaning for his crushes arrival. He would never admit this to his best friend, they had to good a friendship, Chris didn't want to ruin it but confessing his love for him. “Coming!” he shouted running to the door. He opened it to a big smiled PJ.

“HIII!” Pj shouted happily.

“Hey...What are you on?” Chris asked somewhat sarcastically

“Nothing I swear, I'm just so happy to be getting out of the house” He jumped up and down excitedly and tackle hugged Chris. They both fell to the ground , luckily Chris had carpet so it didn't hurt as much. Pj was laughing while sitting down on Chris' stomach

“ Oof” Chris' said quickly when Pj started bouncing up and down causing his stomach to kill. He tried to get up but Pj wouldn't let him, in a single motion he was straddling him pinning his arms down above his head.

“ Pinned ya again” he said quoting Lion King. They both laughed and then there was silence, they just stayed in that position and stared into each others eyes, Pj's face was slowly getting closer to Chris'. They were a centimeter away when Pj stopped himself.

“Tea?” he blurted out, quickly getting off Chris who was as red as tomato

“yeah... sure I'll make some, wait here” he quickly ran to the kitchen

Getting Out Of The HouseWhere stories live. Discover now