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So I was talking to my friend earlier.....

And she was a genius and came up with awesome things we could do...

Here are some of the things..


Steven: what?!


Le mossfeather: puts walkie-talkie in a mail box. Yells into the other walkie-talkie every time someone walks bye.

Le random stranger: wtf.....

Le me and Le mossfeather: *meditates in an elevator*

Le random stranger: what are you doing?.....

Le me and Le mossfeather: *ignores and speaks magical language*


Le me and Le mossfeather: *take bottles of mountain dew* *make a trail of it all the way to the bathroom* *high five*

Le me: *random stranger walks by* your one of them....

Le random stranger: wtf.....

Le me: *walks away* *trips and crawls away like samara from the grudge*

One if them...

Le me and Le mossfeather: *cleans out mayonnaise containers* *fills it with vanilla pudding* *goes to a mall and eats it*

You got a problem?!

(*gag* I hate mayonnaise)


That's all my pretties...two people...

Oh well!


Le pewds: what the hell?!

Le me: *eats vanilla pudding out of a mayonnaise container* *QUACK*

Le pewds: okay.... *goes back to playing corpse party*



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