America (intro)

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My name is America, yes America. My mother loves her country very much. And When she was pregnant with me she read on some crazy website to name your child after something you love. And that's how my name came to be today.

I like my name.

At times.

When people aren't saying to me "Hey American lives in America" and "that's such an odd name" and what other weird ,mean things people have to say these day, I like my name because it's unique and not common. Who would like having a common name? Wouldn't it be annoying to be in the same class with 3 other people with the same names as you?!


My normal day consists of waking up in the morning to the sound of gun shots. I currently live in a war zone. My country is split in half because of too many "smarts" and "dumes".


They no longer call the country a whole America, now they call one side the Eastern End and the other side The Nobody's.

The Eastern End is made of people who are gifted with talent and are intelligent. My government thought it was a good idea to give everyone a test at the age of 6 to decide what side of the country you should be placed on. So if you have potential and are definitely going to be able to make a income when your older you will be placed on the Eastern End. The people who are placed on The Nobody's are so call "stupid" and considered a disgrace to our country. They don't have everything the Eastern End has. The Eastern End has a happy, easy, fun life to live. The Nobodys have the dirty work that no one wants to do, clean houses, be the garbage man and all those other disgusting jobs you could think of. The Nobody's also don't get to go to school any more, but some people secretly get home schooled.And now everybody is up in arms about who's property belongs to what side and what not. That's what's this war is all about.

When I was 6 I took the test just like every other kid hoping to be placed on the same side as there family. My mom was placed on the smart side. She understood everything. She could tell you the formula of pi in a instances it was insane. I was told I was very bright myself and I aced almost every test. For some reason the test results placed me in The Nobody's I was very upset and confused. The test was simple they asked you question like what is the formula of the radius of a circle and how many jelly beans where in the jar. This question Stumped me at first, it took me a while but finally I figured it out, it was 672. My answer was correct I knew for a fact. The lady who was administrating the test even nodded in agreement. She told me I had nothing to be worried about, so when I got my results it made no sense. My mother refused to let me go to The Nobody's she explained to the Government how smart I was and that there had of been a mistake. The Government did not care what my mother had to say. Finally they compromised with her, they placed us in a house that was on the border of both sides of the country. I got to Stay with my family but I got treated as if I was both. I had to get home schooled and had to help clean houses, which was not bad since I like to clean. But I also had to take another test again when I was 15 to prove to the Government that I am brilliant and could have a chance in getting a good job. We lived some what of a happy life, at times...

Home schooling is fine.

My mother knows a lot and try's to teach everything she know , but she also helps a lot in the army. So I tend to teach my self everything.

It's hard keeping stable relationships with my friends since I can never see them. They are always in school and there parents never are safe with them hanging out with me since I live on the border.

Which sucks.

A lot.

I usually sleep in late because I am up all night watching Netflix on my laptop. Or I am watching Youtube videos of my all time favorite band, One direction. If you asked me who my favorite member of the band was, I would answer in a instances, Harry Styles. He was my inspiration, I think with out him I would not be as strong as I am now.

My dad died when I was three of cancer so it's just me, my mother, and my three year old brother Jack. He will have to take the test in three years!which is scary. I feel bad for him. Since he never went to public school he has one friend and that is his pet rock, Robbi. Which he talks to a little too much if you ask me.

Every morning I wait in bed to hear the announcements. The announcements talk about who died that night and what the fowling day will consist. It used to be a lot different.. Like what The Nobody's have planed to do and how school will be played out for Eastern End.

Now there are two announcements. One for the Eastern End and for The Nobody's. I hear both. For the Eastern End it talks more about what's canceled and who's houses people have to help re-build after the war the following night.

For The Nobody's the announcements are encouraging and plans for the the day and coming night.

My mother fights for The Nobody's secretly. She thinks it's stupid how we are split in half. She loved are country when we called it America the beautiful. My mother is tough but sometimes I worry she can't handle all of this. And the Occasional thoughts occur in my head of what is she dies? what will happen to me and my brother? Would I be able to live with no parents? Will the Government punish me and my brother for my mother secretly helping The Nobody's?

I usually just brush those thoughts off thought and get back to my "normal life"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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