Chapter two

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Neymars POV

I cant believe it.I cant believe we won. I scored the winning goal aswell. After the game we all headed to the locker room and blasted out music from my phone and started dancing.

After two songs my all time favourite song came on. Ai seu te pego. I started dancing along to it doing my own moves. I got so caught up in dancing that i lost track of time. Two hours had already passed!!

I said bye to the boys telling them that ille see them later because the whole team are going for a celebration dinner. It was coaches idea to go to a fancy posh resturant when all we just wanted was to go to a club and have fun.

I unlocked my room door and decided i was going to just walk around the hotel seeing as i had nothing else to do. As i was passing the door next door to my room, two girls walked out, and the first girl tripped and fell in to my arms. I looked at her and i was

Speechless. She was absolutely beautiful. her big brown eyes fit perfectly into her petite face. Her brown thick hair fell past her shoulders, up to her waist. She was staring right back at me when we got interrupted by the other girl who im guessing is her friend.

"A-Are Yo-you NEYMAR JR" the blonde girl asked me.

"Yep, the one and only" i chuckled seeing her facial expression change from shocked to excited.

She was going to say something when oscar came out of his room. he looked at the blonde and smirked.

"Hey there, why dont i give you a tour of the whole hotel" he asked her and she was speachless. She just nodded and they went off to start their little tour, leaving me and this beautiful girl alone.

"Umm, you can let go of me now" she said to me making me realise i was still holding her....awkward.....

Alissas POV

im alone with him UGHH. My day just keeps on getting better and better. Note the sarcasm. I hope he doesnt recognise me from my little scene at the stadium before.

"Ohh so thats where i know you from, i knew i heard that voice somewhere else before"

Wait, did i just say my thoughts out loud. I got to stop doing that.

"Yes, yes you did an yeah you really should stop, it could get you in a lot of trouble. He chuckled. I just stared at him biting my lip. Why am i still standing here?

I felt my body being pushed lightly to the wall. I looked up to see his face was really close to mine.

"Seems like someone couldnt control themselves when they saw me at the match" he whispered in my ear.

I scoffed at his words. How could he think that i seriously had a crush on him. Just like all the other footballers, hes cocky and he thinks that every girl likes him, well not me.

I pushed him off me and tried to return back to my room but he lifted me over his back and started walking.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS KIDNAPPING" i started punching his back but i bet he couldnt even feel it, the worst that could happen with my punches is a small scratch by my fingernails.

He stepped into the elevator and there was a little girl there.


Great, like shes going to be a big help.

"My mummy said not to talk to strangers"

The elevator door opened and the little girl stepped out.

"Well, she was nice wasnt she"

"Neymar, i swear if you dont put me down ille poke your eyes out with a FORK."

"calm down were nearly there"he laughed and after a minute the doors opened and he finally put me down.

I fixed my top and looked around to see where we were. It was beautiful. He brought me to the top of the hotel.

---------------------------------------------this chapter was boring i know but the next few chapters are going to be interesting;)

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