Chapter 13

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Alissas Pov

The two days flew past really quick. i was angry at stella for not telling me in the first place that my unborn babys father and his perfect girlfriend are joining us on this two month holiday when noone doesnt even know that he is the father!

Its about two in the morning now and i can not get any sleep at all. i decide to just give up on tossing and turning and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Hey" i hear a voice behind me say. i turn around and see stella, half awake with her hair in a absolute mess.
"Hey, you cant sleep either" i ask her because shes normally a really deep sleeper.

"Nope i just woke up now, anyways ive been thinking. what if neymar finds out that hes the father? she says while she stares intensely at me.

"He wont" i reply simply. its true, as long as i avoid him and not hold full conversations with him then it wouldnt be a problem.

"Yeah but, dont you think he has a right to know, i mean, he is the father." Those words make me stop drinking from my glass.

"He doesnt care, he never has and never will. Even if he does find out i am not letting him take my baby away from me. he said so himself that night was a mistake, so hes practically saying that this baby is a mistake." i say frustratedly.

I run a hand through my hair. i dont know how long ive kept that bottled up but as soon as those words spilled out my mouth it was like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

"Ok, well you better get some sleep. In four hours we have a long flight ahead of us and just remember if you want to talk, about anything, im always there to listen."

I nod and lean on the worktop. she stands up and gives me a small smile before heading back to her room. I sigh and shut all of the lights off leaving the whole apartment in complete and utter darkness.

I lie on my soft pillow thinking about the things that could possibly happen in these next two months.

I just wish nothing bad happens. i really hope neymar doesnt find out that he is the father. im not ready to tell him just yet.

And with that, i fall into a deep slumber.

........................................................omg guys i am literally freaking out.
I can not believe i have already hit 2k!!!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who have read, voted, commented on this book.
It really means a lot me.
And i am so sorry for not updating for such a long time.
Im really busy with school work but i promise ille update twice a week.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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