Concert Crashers

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Did One Direction Just Ask Me To Go On Tour With Them?

To celebrate 15k reads, here is one monster chapter for you guys now and the other will be posted shortly!!! Maybe later today!!!! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!

<3 Julia

Julia's POV

I finished my business and stormed out of the stall. I stomped my way to the sink washing my hands.

"Look, if Justin and Stephen told you that th-"

"They didn't, MJ did." Stef stated.

"Well, as you just previously said, ALMOST, I never actually slept with him." I said rinsing my hands off , turning off the faucet, and placing them under the hand drier.

"How close is almost?" Emily piped up for the first time since her state of shock.

"Not close enough for him to take my innocence." I turned and looked at them." This doesn't need to be spread around. The whole situation is already at its boiling point, we don't need more people burned."

"You're not going to tell Harry?" Emily queered.

"I have told Harry more than he needs to know already. We agreed that the past is the past and we don't need to dwell on that." I replied. I kept my face as impassive as it could get. I was so conflicted, I couldn't show any emotion.

"C'mon, let's get back and continue rehearsal." I said after a moment of silence."Sound check starts soon."

We walked back and the boys gave us eager looks, as if they want to know what happened. We shrugged it off and Shane came back from lunch.

"Okay! Only songs to rehearse is Na Na Na, Gotta Be You, and the covers along with Use Somebody." he informed us and we made our way to the stage. Stef and MJ walked to front row to sit and watch, or more like sit and talk. I knew Stef wouldn't be able to ask for anymore information.

For Na Na Na we were coming through 2 doors at the back of the arena so it was pretty simple. Covers were went well, except during Louis singing Valerie, I was joining in on the chorus and we started dancing. I felt like I was in Grease.

"Bloody hell Harry!" I screamed yet laughing at the same time."Stop going higher!" he kept going higher with the notes in Gotta Be You.

"Sorry" he smiled cheekily.

"You're such a show off Haz!" Niall said.

"Just do some exercises that Jordan taught you." he said.

After finishing Gotta Be You, all we had left to rehearse was Use Somebody.

"Dan, your guitar solo is sick!" Emily complimented.

"Can I try?" MJ hollered from the first row.

"Me too!" I added. Dan handed us each a guitar and in no time, MJ and I got the whole song.

"You guys wanna play during the song?" he asked." I always have to go pee by that time anyway." we nodded our heads vigorously.

Emily's POV

"THANKS YOU GUYS! SOUND CHECK WAS A BLAST!" I said as we made our way backstage. We finished meet and greets and now running late on schedule because they kept asking for encores. Liam being the softie he is, said yes.

"Hair and make up now!" Paul said sternly.

We made our way to the boys dressing room for Lou to do our make up.

"LUX!" we all yelled trying to get the angel into our arms.

"DON'T BREAK MY CHILD!" Lou teased.

Did One Direction Just Ask Me to Go on Tour With Them?Where stories live. Discover now