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park jimin was jeongguks favorite porn star.

he had the thighs of a god, and the voice of an angel. there was something enjoyable about watching jimin get pounded relentlessly from behind, whether it was him or not.

the two lived close, but they had never met in person. jeongguk just happened to be jimins favorite customer.

jimin also answered the sex hotline, which was also part of his job. jimin made a shit ton of money, and not just from gay porn and hotlines. jeongguk was also insanely rich, being a ceo of a fashion design company. he inherited his fathers enormous trust fund when he turned eighteen, which only helped his yearly salary skyrocket.

he was also a companionship escort, but that wasn't important.

"ah, jiminie. how have you been?" the two were currently on a phone call.

jimin wasn't supposed to give his private number to customers, but the way jeongguk talked to him on the phone was something he wanted to have at his beck and call, quite literally. he wanted to be able to find jeongguks contact quickly and dial him whenever he pleased, without having to scroll through anonymous numbers.

of course, he always knew in the back of his mind, jeongguk could be hideous and a total pedophile, but he gave him a fun time. and his voice was low and raspy, which he loved.

"i've been okay, jeongguk," he would answer.. the two males hadn't had a conversation in a bit over a month.

he explained, "i've gotten a lot more good rates since the photoshoot with that one singer, and even more for my last video," he laid on his bed, enjoying the feeling of his grey silk sheets against his freshly shaved legs.

(he had to shave basically his entire body to be seen as a perfect boy toy for his viewers."

"i would assume," he heard jeongguk let out a breathy chuckle into the phone, "that video was.. something else. you seemed to like it," jeongguk hummed.

jimin closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "yes, i did. whoever that guy was knew what he was doing," he turned onto his side.

he heard jeongguk laugh again, with that voice he loved. "he seemed to be liking to pull your hair."

jimin bit his lip. "mm, well, wouldn't you like to?" he decided to just cut to the chase. cut the bullshit.

"more than you know," jeongguk would answer. he got the tone jimin knew and loved.

"you have an iphone, right jiminie?" jeongguk asked after a few moments of silence. "i do," jimin said back.

"maybe if we facetimed i could see a bit more of you, but not under those bright lights with another guy," jeongguk offered. jimin bit his lip.

he knew where jeongguk was getting to. this was no problem to him. before he was doing porn, he was recording camboy videos with his phone.

he had also done this sort of things with past boyfriends as well.

"mm," he hummed, licking his lips, "then i'll finally get to see the cock you talk up so much," he giggled.

"but i just wanna watch you the first time we watch this, as if you're my private whore," jeongguks breath hit the phone.

jimin noticed the phallic tent in his shorts. he accidentally (he made jeongguk believe) let out a short whimper.

"oh, did that turn you on?" jeongguk teased. jimin scoffed.

"i'll be your private whore. facetime me," he agreed, and then moved to his desk. he sat in his chair, propping his phone up how he used to when he recorded camboy videos. he turned on his lamp that he could move, and pulled it closer to him so jeongguk would be able to see him better.

then he took his shorts off, to reveal his boxers, and his shirt joined the pile of discarded clothing soon afterwards.

then he accepted jeongguks facetime call, and he was happy. jeongguk wasn't a pedophile, nor hideous. he was one of the most attractive men he had seen in a while, and he had on a black hoodie. his hair was parted to the right, the left side of his forehead slightly exposed. he had his elbow propped up on what jimin guessed was a table, as he leaned his head against the heel of his hand.

"wow," jimin breathes, as he moved closer to the camera to get a better look at jeongguk. jeongguk laughed.

"what?" he asked, noticing jimin in shock.

"nothing, you're just cuter than i had anticipated," jimin shrugged.

"so if i was ugly you would still have phone sex with me?" jeongguk joked. jimin shrugged.

"looks don't matter, sweetheart. i just have low standards, which you have far surpassed. it's like a pleasant surprise, but one i'm okay without," he explained.

"i wasn't listening to a word you said, jimin. i was distracted," jeongguk told him truthfully. jimin laughed.

he got that a lot. men he had fooled around with never really listened to what he had to say. they were just waiting for him to shut his pretty mouth so they could get stared on their own pleasure. he wasn't complaining, though. that's what he signed up for.

"by what?" jimin knew the answer, but his favorite thing was to be a tease.

"you're gorgeous, jimin. i wouldn't mind having you all to myself," jeongguk said quietly.

jimin leaned back into his chair, and bit his lip. "i wouldn't mind paying my entire trust fund just for one night with you," jeongguk stared intently at jimin through the screen.

jimin laughed. "you wouldn't have to pay me," he told jeongguk.

"oh?" jeongguk leaned a bit closer. jimin shook his head.

"nope. well, if you wanted to hire me to be your companion for the night, you would. but sex isn't included," he said nonchalantly, "but we can still do that, even if it's against the rules. i just don't be paid for that part," he added.

jeongguk hummed. "well, maybe i'll give your boss a call and see if i can make that happen," jeongguk smiled.

"maybe you can," jimin said. "but i need to go now. i've got an early shoot," jimin winked.

jeongguk sighed. "alright, jimin. goodnight," he said.

"oh, and jeongguk?"

jeongguk nodded.

"do you want me to save these types of things just for you?" he asked.

"that'd be amazing," jeongguk replied. jimin smiled. "okay, just for you then, jeongguk," jimin flashed him another quick smile, before he ended the call.

he sighed, leaning back against the chair. he'd break his bosses rules any day if that meant he could belong to jeon jeongguk, because holy shit that man was handsome.


i know it's weird to like start off with so much for the first chapter right away, but idk. lol whoopsies. thank u 4 reading if u did!!

—zachary, august 1

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