Chapter 11 - Hormones

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     Soo sorry for the really long update!! Hope you guys like it. ;D


As the theater club began setting up for the play later today. I decided I might as well help them, and since I was pretty friendly with everybody in school I was sure they weren't going to mind the extra hands. I found a couple of my theater girlfriends, who also helped me out by getting Ryan and I into the playbook that they're handing out later. Kylie and Jess threw me a couple paint brushes with an apron to put on before I had to paint details into the bedframe. While I painted, we talked about the latest school gossip and they were filling me in on how girls kept saying that Ryan was cheating on me. I thought it was pretty funny because I already knew that except I then realized if everyone believed it than Micheal would too. No wonder he's been so nice to me latley..

" Hey Baby." Ryan's annoying voice broke through my thoughts.

Turning towards him, I fake smiled, " Hey Babe."

" Hello ladies." He smiled toward Kylie and Jess.

They barely acknowledged him, but he didn't pay attention to that. He was already sitting on one of the chairs, patting his lap and motioning for me to come sit on his lap. Kylie and Jess gave me that are-you-really-with- him? look and I shrugged, " What can I do? I like him." I whispered toward them. They couldn't know I was faking, as much as they were my friends. I dont trust anybody except Star and Damon. So I walked towards Ryan and sat on his lap.

" I hate you." I whispered into his ear.

He laughed and put his lips an inch away from my neck, " I know. It's part of what makes this fun."

" Will you two perverts get off of eachother and help before I kick you guys off the play." Yelled the most dramatic guy in this school, Angelo.

Ryan tightened his grip on my hips and looked Angelo up and down, " Sorry but I dont listen to little drama queens. Now leave me and my girlfriend alone."

Angelo's face twisted in anger before he threw his hands up in the air and walked away mummbling, " Stupid jocks."

I felt Ryan shift under me, as if he was going to get up and fight so I pressed myself harder on his lap, " Dont you dare think you will get up and fight because if we get kicked off. We'll get killed!" I hissed.

" Whatever." He moved me from his lap and sat me on the chair next to him.

Punching his arm, I said, " You're extra moody today."

" I am not." He retored back.

I laughed, " Yeah you are. Is it cause of Chassidy? Or maybe Jane?"

" No- Wait! How do you know about them?" His attention was fully directed at me.

" You talk in your sleep" I lied.

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