Chapter 1

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"Ava! Get in here!" I hear my boss yell. 

I walked into his office where he was calling me from, "Yes sir, I'm here what do you need?" 

"We have an event tonight that I need you to help serve for. It's a massive wedding reception and I need all hands on deck."

I nodded, "Yes sir."

He dismissed me and told me to meet back at the kitchen at five o'clock sharp, which was two hours away. I decided to go back to my room and get ready. 

I took a shower and put on my work clothes that he had given me. I put my hair up into a ponytail and did my makeup. I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost five. I grabbed my phone and headed down to the kitchen. 

"Guests will start arriving soon for the wedding dinner so I need food on trays to start going around when they arrive" he told us all. 

We nodded and started putting the already prepared food on trays. Once people started arriving and waiting in the lobby we started bringing out the trays and serving them to people. 

I walked around with my tray of some kind of rich people food and offered it to people. My favorite thing to do while I was working was people watch. I could definitely tell that the people who got married were wealthy because all their guests were dressed in very nice outfits. 

Most of the rich people I had met were stuck up and snobs so I didn't expect these people to be any different. I was used to it, used to people walking over me and not really caring so it didn't bother me. 

I had been walking around for a while now trying to give people my food and I decided to just stop and observe the guests for a second. They were all in separate clumps talking to each other and I noticed that every woman had a man attached to her hip. 

I then noticed a much younger couple walk in, around my age. I glanced at the girl, she was absolutely gorgeous and I felt like a piece of trash just looking at her. She had long curly blonde hair and fair skin. She was wearing a red almost ballgown that probably cost more than my whole closet together. 

I then looked to her left at the guy she was with and wow. He was the most attractive man I had ever seen. He was wearing a tuxedo that really looked nice on him. He had short brown hair that was pushed back and piercing green eyes. I think my heart started beating fast when he took a glance my way while he turned the corner to join all the other guests. He flashed a bright smile at me and then turned around to mingle with the guests. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding once he was out of my sight and I shook myself out of the daze I was in. I began walking around again, wanting to bump into him or just be near him again but I worried that I would embarrass myself if I did. 

Eventually the doors opened and people started going into the dining hall to find their seats and I headed back into the kitchen to see where I was needed. 

"Okay so you all are assigned a couple tables. Take their order and check on them regularly. Keep them happy."

We nodded and I went to see what tables I was serving. "Hey sir, why does everyone else have two tables and I only have one?" I asked my boss when noticing I only had table two. 

"You will be serving the bride and grooms immediate family. They need more attention than everyone else. Keep them happy,  Ava" he smiled at me and I turned around panicked. 

Oh god, I am the absolute worst at being social. But now that I know I'm serving the immediate family I feel even more nervous. Maybe they're nice? Stop freaking out and just go out there. 

I walked out into the dining hall and was greeted by the loud music being played by the live band and the chatter of all the people there. 

I spotted table two and made my way over there giving myself a pep talk on the way there. "Hello my name is Ava and I'll be taking care of you. Can I get anything started for drinks?" 

I looked up after I finished talking and made direct eye contact with the guy from earlier. My stomach flipped and I desperately moved my eyes away to look at the other guests. He was sitting with the girl he walked in with and two older couples, who I assumed were the bride and grooms parents. 

"We'll just have some red wine" one of the older women said and the table nodded in agreement. I smiled and nodded and went back into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. 

I walked back to the table and opened the bottle and started pouring it in glasses. The guy from earlier was staring at me as I did this and I tried avoiding his gaze. Once I finished filling their glasses I went around and asked what everyone wanted from the three options on the menu.

"And for you sir?" I asked turning to look at the attractive man that I had been thinking about all night.

"I'll have the chicken parmesan" he smiled at me and I nodded and wrote down his order.

"Is there anything else I can get for you at the moment?" I asked and they all shook their heads, "Alright I'll be back with your food shortly."

I walked away and I could feel his eyes looking at me so I turned around for a short second and we made eye contact. I felt vulnerable under his gaze and I didn't know why. Maybe it was because he was a wealthy, attractive man and I was, well a waitress. He winked at me then continued to talk to his table and I felt my face heat up. I quickly turned back around and headed to the kitchen to get their food.

a/n hey so this is a stupid sappy story i've been writing and i just feel like posting it so hope you enjoy (:

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