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"Kat!" My Dad yelled. "Yes?" I asked from up the stairs. "Can you grab these boxes?" He asked. I slid down the railing and landed on my feet. There were boxes on the table so I grabbed one. My friend Brennen came out and helped me. "Hey Brennen!" I said as he took the box from me. "Hey Kat. I'm sad your leaving still." He said setting it in the moving truck. "So am I." I said looking down. He hugged me. I hugged back and all my friends surrounded me. Aevrie, Abby, Sophie, Alexis, Sarah. All of them. "Thanks guys." I said sadly. I'm moving to Ohio today. My Dad came out and hugged them too. They all said goodbye and went home. All my friends. I have their numbers but it's not the same. "Where is Ohio?" I asked my Dad "Cincinnati." He confirmed. I nodded. "I hated moving. Everything is so weird in the new school. I ran up to my room and grabbed my phone hitting Sarah's contact. She picked it up and we talked on my way to the airport. My Dad would talk to us every now and then of course. My little sister Alice always interrupted me though. She's in second grade. Annoying. We got on the plane and I thought about my Mom's death. I hugged my Dad as we took off.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to bright lights and my Dad shaking me. There was a kid behind me with green hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I nodded and pulled on a beanie to hide my messy hair underneath. He giggled a little bit. "You're hair isn't that bad if that's what your thinking." He said standing up and smiling. "As if." I giggled standing up too. "Sean. But all my friends call me Jack." He said holding out his hand. I shook it. "Katrina. But Kat for short." I sad grabbing my luggage. We talked on our way out to get luggage. "You live here?" I asked him. "Yup. You?" He asked. "Now I do. Just moved from Missouri." I said. "Nice. Ireland." He said with a smile. "Figured. You've got a nice accent that fits you." I said grabbing my luggage. He giggled. "Thanks." He said grabbing his. "Kat!" My Dad called. He waved at Jack. "Mind if I give you my number? You seem like a good person." I said. He nodded and handed me his phone. I put mine in and set my contact as Kat The Weirdo. He giggled. "See ya Jack!" I said turning and waving. "Bye Kat." He said. I walked up to my Dad and my sister and she stuck her tongue out at me. "Is that your new boyfriend?!" She mocked me. "Ew. Grow up Alice." I said rolling my eyes. I turned and we walked down into a cap.

~Time Skip~

"Daad! Why do I have to start school so early? At least give me a couple days to get used to this new home." Alise whined. "Shush. It'm giving you enough time already now go unpavk." He answered. He's taking me to my new middle school to meet my principal. I climbed into the car and he drove us there. I got out and looked up at hit in awe. It was huge and brick. "Come on shortcake!" Dad said. I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me and we walked inside. The o body was there. We came up to an office and a lady came up and opened the door for us. "Thank ypu." My Dad said as we walked in. I nodded to her and she returned it with a smile. We took a seat and the women at the desk smiled at us. "Hello, you must be Katrina." She said. "Kat for short." I said nodding at her. She smiled. "What a polite young lady you've raised here Mr. Adams." She said. "Thank you. She takes after her mother." He said smiling. "Is she present?" The lady asked. He went silent and looked down. "She's out of the picture." I said. She frowned. "I'm sorry I asked. I've called down some students to help you look around Kat. I hope you have a nice time here." She said. "Uh huh." I said standing up. Her name tag read Ms. Dillord. I nodded at her before opening the door and stepping out. Three students stood before me, along with the same lady from before. "Hello Katrina. This is Mark, Felix, and.." "Jack." I said smiling. He looked up at me. "Kat." He said smiling too. Mark and Felix looked a little surprised. Mark had red hair dye and wore a black shirt with jeans and tenishoes. Typical yet cute. Felix had blonde hair and he wore a blue sweatshirt with Jean's and tenishoes too. I shut the door and leaned against it. "Mark, Felix, this is Katrina Adams." She said. "Kat." I said solluting them. They both smiled. "How do you and Sean already know eachother?" Felix asked. "Oh wait. Is this the Kat you told us about from the airport?" He asked. I smiled and Jack turned a light shade of pink. "Yes." He said. "Eh. It's fine. I'm not that interesting anyway." I said shoving my hands in my pockets. "Boys, she's from Missouri so be nice." She said shoving us out the door. She shut it behind us without a warning. "Well wasn't that just dandy." I said sarcastically. They all snickered. We started our way down the hall. I was placed in between Jack and Mark while Felix was on Mark's left. "Ya know. I feel like the whole, "she's from Missouri' thing was supposed to mean somethin bu. " I joked. They all giggled. "So tell us about you." Felix said. "Fine Mr. I'mCuriousAsFuck." I said. They all snickered again. "Uh let me think. I've been on swim team once, I'm fast, and I know people before I actually know them." I said. Sean raised an eyebrow. "I can see people biased on their personality. I can th ell if somebody is going to be a huge dick. Whayever you wanna call it." I said. "I'm also gymnastic." I said. "Really how?" Mark asked lighting up. "Like? Perform someyhing?" I asked. They all nodded. I turned. Let me think. I took a couple steps to a locker and jumped on it grabbing the top. I jumped off and grabbed a light swinging across to the other one. I did this a couple times before doing a backflip and landing it. I steadied myself and turned around. They all were stunned. "Hm?" I asked. They all laughed. They showed me different class rooms before we decided to head back. I didn't know much about Mark by the end of it. "Hey Mr. Quiet. I don't know anything about you. You know about me, now pay me back." I said. He smiled. "Keep the your Dad close." He said before walking off. Sean and Felix were stunned. "Do either of you know what that meant?" I asked them. They both nodded and walked off. "Well then." I said to myself. "Fine." I said walking in. Dad and the principal got done soon and she handed me a paper with my classes. We went home and I layed down on my bed. It was Friday. I have three days. I got a call so I picked it up.


K- Hello?
J- Kat? It's Jack. I was wondering If I could come over and bring my friends Ethan, and Kathrine.
K- Yeah sure. Whenever is cool. I'll send you my adress.
J- Cool. Be there in a couple minutes.
K- Okay. Bye.

I hung up and texted him my adress. I was on my phone when I bvb heard the doorbell go off. "I'VE GOT IT!" I heard Alice yell. "NO!" I yelled scrambling downstairs. She was opening the door. I walked up and picked her up by her arms. "Excuse me." I told Jack. He giggled as I walked into a different room. "Don't pester them." I growled at her. She stuck her bvb tongue out at me as I walked out. I walked back to the front door and opened it wider for them. "Kat, this is Ethan and Kathrine." Jack said. "Hello." I said with a half smile. "And that is my little sister Alice." I said pointing to her. They all waved and I brought them upstairs to my room. I opened my door and jumped onto my chair rolling over to my desk. "Welcome to my cagr." I said throwing my arms into the air. They all giggled and Kathrine flopped on the bed. Ethan and Jack sat next to her giggled. "I think my Dad went out to get some food so it's just us and my sister." I groaned. They giggled and I spun in my chair. "So. All friends with Mark and Felix?" I asked Ethan and Kathrine. They nodded and smiled. "Mark told us about you actually. The happy thing won't shut up." Kathrine said. "HAPPY?!" I choked. Jack giggled. "He barely talked when we showed her around school." Jack said. "Wow. That's not like Mark." Ethan said. "He never does that unless..." They all said trailing off. "What?" I asked. They all giggled nervously. "Nothing." Ethan said. I shrugged. Whatever. We talked and laughed for a while before my Dad got home with ice-cream. I ran back up with mint chip ice-cream and set it on the ground in front of us with four spoons.

~Time Skip~

They left and I shut the door behind them. I walked up to my room and flipped down on the bed. I let out a sigh and shot my eyes. Soon I fell asleep with my cat Mei in my arms.

I'm Right Here | Mark Fishbach × Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now