Nah m8

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Nah, I was just fucking with you.

Here's what really happened....

Once Kat got out of the hospital, she, Mark, and all of their friends returned to school the next day.

Kat roamed the halls in search of her next class happily. She hadn't been so happy ever since her Mom had been alive, and she missed Mark a whole lot. A bell rang and people rushed out. "Fuck!" She muttered as she took off down the halls. She weaved in between different people until she caught up with the students that entered her next class, Gym. She quickly got changed and stood in line, ready to run like always. Every girl and boy in the same Gym period as her, lined up along with her, also ready. "Alright! Everyone settle down! We have a couple laps to run before we start our game today." The Gym teacher said. Everyone murmured to themselves about what game he was talking about. "Mr. Lester, what game?" Kat asked him. The tall lanky man with Raven black hair smiled at her. "We have a Dodge ball game today. My special treat since it's getting close to the Halloween dance." He said. Everyone cheered and clapped. "Alright, everyone get themselves ready!" The teacher called. "Kat?" Mr Lester asked. "Yes?" Kat responded. "How about you lead drills today." He said with a smile.

Kat smiled and people gasped in relief. Kat gave a nod and the Gym teacher passed her a whistle and timer. She stepped out of line. "Alright everyone, we have some times to take care of first. Karry, Jacob, Alex, Mindy, and Dan. You'll be group one." Kat said. The group high fived each other and Dan smiled at Kat. "Holly, Will, Masy, Adam, and Kendall, you will be group two." Kat said. Everyone around them smiled and fist bumped. "Ally, Colten, Marzia, Felix and I will be group three. Everyone clear?" Kat asked loudly. Everyone cheered. "Group one, corner 1! Group two, corner 2 and so on. Let's go!" Kat cheered. Everyone cheered and ran to their corners with their groups. Everyone started their routines, and Marzia pointed to the corner. Kat looked over and saw Sean and Mark smiling with their arms crossed. Kat stuck her tongue out at them and smiled. They both laughed and Kat turned back to her class.

She blew her whistle and everyone got quiet. "Today we seem to have some visitors and I say have them join. Sound fair?" Kat asked. Everyone smiled and cheered. Sean and Mark's eyes widened and smiled. "C'mon! Come join us!" Felix called. The whole class started pleading. Finally Sean looked over at Mark and they shrugged. "Coulvert middle school gym class give it up for Mark Fischbach and Sean McLoughlin!" Kat yelled. Every cheered and the boys walked up. "Welcome to my side of things boys. Get ready for one hell of a ride." Kat giggled. "We're ready." Mark smirked. "Get dressed." Kat said with a smile. "Mark you'll join Holly's team, and Sean you can join... Karry's team." Kat said. The boys nodded and sprinted off to the boy's locker room. Once they returned, they met up with their teams and they continued stretches and warm ups, while Kat timed.


Once stretches were done, Mr. Lester took over. "Kat that was magnificent, thank you." He smiled. Kat nodded and returned with her class, plus Sean and Mark. She stood in between the two boys and they both greeted her. "Alright! It's dodgeball time people! Kat your team captain for team one, and Sean you can be team captain for team two. The two high fived and ran to the two different side of the Gym. Kat pick a boy. Kat had to decide between her boyfriend, ad the most skilled player in the class. "Eh. If Sean picks you it'll be an interesting fight. Colten." Kat smiled. Mark gave a fake hurt look. "Pff. You just passed up on a fabulous opportunity! Mark, get over here dude." Sean said. Mark hopped walked up and they greeted each other. By the end, the teams were:

Kat's team:
Colten, Masy, Karry, Felix, Marzia, Dan, and Will

Sean's team:
Mark, Ally, Kendall, Alex, Adam, Mindy, Jacob, and Holly

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