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Stanley Uris and Richie Tozier met in the second grade.

Richie's father had a job transfer, making him the new kid at Derry's elementary school, where Stanley welcomed him with open arms. Almost instantly, the two boys connected in a way that nobody could have anticipated. In fact, Stan and Richie were practically polar opposites and it was a miracle that they had even gotten along in the first place.

Stan was neat, punctual and an overachiever, even from a young age. Richie, on the otherhand, was messy, loud and always joking around, earning himself the nickname "Trashmouth" very early on. Despite these differences, the boys bonded over sarcastic comments, horrendous jokes and their varying parental problems.

Over the years, their bond only grew stronger as they overcame their trauma together. When Stanley was verbally abused by his father for the occasional low grade, Richie was there to comfort him and wipe away his tears. When Richie became subject to his father's rough hands and unforgiving belt, Stan helped him clean up the blood and cover the bruises.

Nine years since their first encounter - and entering their junior year of highschool - the two boys were closer than ever, feeling as if they could take on the entire world.

Even though the adults in their lives never stopped the endless flow of pain and suffering, Stan and Richie knew that they'd be able to get through anything, as long as they were together.

So that's exactly how they stayed.

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