Chapter 7

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I am so happy I got this done in time.  I've been busy with family stuff this whole week >.<

Well here it is :~) 


Chapter 7

The clock reads 6:19 am.  I still haven’t gone to sleep.  Jasey is fast asleep in my arms.  I just know that if I fall asleep I’ll regret it when I wake up and I’ll have to go home.  All I want is to embrace the time I have with her.

But there’s one minor problem.  I really have to pee.  Getting out of bed isn’t going to be much trouble.  It’s sneaking across the hall into the bathroom without her parents waking up that will be difficult – if they’re even home.  Jasey told me they went to the airport, but I don’t know if they left for somewhere, dropped someone off, or picked somebody up.

Okay this is getting painful.

I slip out from under Jasey and slowly walk to the door.  I keep my breathing low and controlled when I unlock the door and open it a crack.  Thank goodness it didn’t squeak.  The hallway is dark, and the door to the other rooms are all closed.  I sigh in my head and quickly open the bathroom door and close it silently behind me.

Afterwards, I make it back into Jasey’s room with no problem.  Jasey is sitting up in bed.  She looks down at her bare legs and then down my body, and back to my eyes.  “Are you checking me out?”  I snicker.

“Did we do anything?”

I shake my head.  “Just sleep.  Well, you slept.”

“Why didn’t you sleep?”

“I was worried your parents would come home.”

“They’re out of town trying to convince my grandparents to join us for Christmas.”

Nothing to worry about.  That’s good.  “So they’re just letting you stay home alone?  How long were they planning on being gone?”

“They said they’d be home for Christmas.  That’s all they knew.”  She pulls her legs into her chest and hugs them.  “Could you put a shirt on?”


She stutters, “Um, well it’s cold so I thought you’d want...”

“Jasey if you want me all you’ve gotta do is say the word!”

Shit, that better have come out more jokingly than I heard it in my head.  Her face starts turning red.  Oh god, she’s taking me seriously.  Where’s the real life rewind button?

I shake my head at myself and gather my shirt, pants, shoes, and phone.  I open the door and don’t bother closing it behind me before I go down the steps, two at a time.  I go out the back door so the front can stay locked. 

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