Field trip of failure

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This was requested by...ParisPandaEnloe thx for requesting hope ya like it so :)

"WHAT?!"the trio yelled as they heard the news that they will be going to the ghost zone

"This isn't gonna be good for the three of them"Star said."No shit Sherlock star"Sam said "Danny is gonna be  dead fully this time after this field trip"Tucker spoke everyone agreed even Danny"Yes so I will be starting to write my will"Danny said he grabbed a paper and pen and started to write his will

"Remember the field trip is tomorrow kids"Maddie said"Yes so be at our house 7 am"Jack said in exitement.

~le skip to tomorrow~

The door bell rang"ILL GET IT"jazz said and she got up from the couch and opened the door reveling the class all packed and ready"Oh guys are here c'mon your ride to the hello hole is this way"jazz said leading them to the lab and closing the door behind her.

Danny and Sam Tucker were doing last minute checks In his room
"Ok lets go over this one more time"Danny said"Danny dude we've been through 11 times I think we've got everything"Tucker said to him in boredom"Ok fine leat go downstairs the others should be here by now"

The trio went down stairs with their backpacks"Oh hey Danny c'mon on in the bus we were about to call you done here"Maddie said to the three.They gave out a sigh and walked in the bus and sat at the back.

The bus soon started and the portal opened they went inside.Not that long after the bus began slowing down"Uh...why are we going so slow"one student said"Weird.."Maddie said and she checked the gas and it was empty"JACK DID YOU FORGET TO FILL THE TANK UP?!"Maddie yelled

"Maybe.."he responded in a scared voice"Oh boy"Sam said"This isn't good"Danny said"This is what we get for going on this trip"Tucker said too the rest of the class heard them and nodded."Kids looks like we're going to crashhhh"Maddie said as the bus started to fall fast the class held on to something and held on it tight.

The bus Soo stopped falling and the class and Maddie and jack were all scattered on the floor unconscious

~Le skip to a few minutes~
Most of the class woke up all was left was Danny many bruises and cuts"Oh no...TUCKER GET THE MEDICAL KIT QUICK"said yelled"On it"Tucker replied and got the medical kit from her backpack"What is going on?"Maddie asked confused of the situation"YOUR FUCKING SON IS HURT THATS WHAT GOING ON"star yelled at the woman"Dont talk to my wife like that"jack defended the others just rolled thier eyes at the two so called 'ghost hunters'.Tucker gave Sam the medical kit and Sam took out some bandages and wrapping it around his hand and chest Danny soon started waking up"Ugh.."he groaned"Danny!"Sam shouted and hugged him."S-sam w-what happened"he asked"Dad forgot to fill the tank up so we crashed"jazz explained while crossing her arms"O-oh"Danny got up still wounded"Danny take it easy your still hurt"said Sam"yeah I know but I have to call someone?" "Who?" "you'll see"Danny got out his phone and called the mysterious person"Wait this place has cell service?!"Paulina shouted"Heh"Tucker said confused.

"Hey....yep....I know right....mhm thanks"He then hung up"Who's you call?"Sam asked"A friend it should be here in a few seconds" "Seconds?"Everyone minus Danny said together"then a portal opened up and everyone turned thier attention to it"There we go this should lead us to my house"he said everyone was confused"Wait but what about the Spector speeder?"jack and Maddie asked"Seriously.."jazz started"what?"jack was confused and Maddie was well...suspicious"You care about that hunk of junk than our safety nice mom and dad"jazz said giving them an annoyed and angry look"Well we worked hard on it so we should take i-"Maddie was cut off by Danny he transforms into ghost form in front of everyone the two parents were jaw dropped."W-what h-how-"jack was shocked so was Maddie"no time to explain now go he pushed them in and everysooon followed when everyone was in the poratl closed leaving them in the lab.The parents were still dumd founded and shocked at the scene.



There that's the chappie anyways byeeeeee

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