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There are different kinds of people who can make an individual feel a collection of things and emotions. If you think about it, there will be someone who could make you constantly feel as if your heart is elevating all the way up to the mesosphere and when that said person smiles, it makes your heart implode into a million fragments of miniature hearts, beating that someone's name.

But there'd also be a certain individual that comes to mind that would, as if they have a lasso, attempt to bring you back to the earth's atmosphere, to interrupt your feelings of elation and your reverie about the possibilities that could occur between you and the one your heart beats for. There would always be that one person who will pull and shake your heart back, waking it from the depths of its daydream so it could return to reality and in turn, it would make your blood boil and your insides simmer.

"What do you want?" You stride ahead, your hand holding the strap of your bag that was on your shoulder, not even looking at the person beside you who's trying to keep up with your fast pace. Irritated, impatient and snappy was how you'd describe yourself even when all he did was walk beside you.

"I don't know, perhaps you?"

You could feel his eyes on you, heating you up in rage, burning holes through your skin, letting steam escape from your ears to your nostrils. Of course, he'd say those kinds of things again. It's these comebacks and remarks that tips you over the edge and makes you even more pestered.

Jimin likes seeing you in this state and because he enjoys it, he continues doing it. It's a simple, logical equation for him which then makes him more despicable to your eyes. You should've expected this to happen, should've prepared yourself for another day of his antics. You should've known that he's always like a needle that's ready to sneak his way in to the hole no matter how narrow it may be.

"Can you not?" you stopped walking and faced him, brows meeting in the middle.

Instead of replying, he just giggles upon seeing your state, advancing ahead with a cocky stance, hands on the pockets of his jeans, whistling some pop tune. It seems like he had found his calling early in his life which is to exasperate and exhaust you every single day.

You'd be lying if you said that he doesn't get on your nerves because he does. Not only your nerves but down to the marrow of your bones as well—he's there trying to make every cell in your body irritated that it affects you because it's a two-way street.

Your anatomy becomes bothered through gestures and body language which then infuriates your whole mind and diverts your concentration elsewhere. If you get peeved at the thought of him and his flirting and teasing, then you're automatically thinking of him which ends up with you complaining, your mood dampening, making you want to punch the first thing your eyes lays upon and you feel like that is his ultimate aim.

It's like he has some spell or chant that he does secretly on his own that whenever he emerges in your thoughts even if you don't want him to, it makes you seethe with rage and your blood boil into lava and all you want to do is pour the molten magma on him so he'll stop pestering you.

All of your dislike and distaste of him, you thought, could be traced back to when you were in your first year of university. You recall it was during the spring semester, everyone's fully settled, had found their friendship groups and were already used to how everything functioned within the institution.

A friend may be an imprecise term to describe him because he wasn't your friend—he was more of an acquaintance. Certainly, you weren't close because you've never hung out and talked to each other with just the two of you. Jimin and his friends would consistently be present at every party and get together so to you, he's more of an acquaintance.

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