The Chase

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Today is Halloween. The time when all freaks and the time to act like a freak comes out. This is also my first Halloween in London. You see when my parents divorced the summer before I turned thirteen my dad moved here. I would visit every summer with my best friend and we would wander around so I know the area quite well. Well recently I started university here in London so I’m living here full time, and tonight is going to be the best night by far. My best friend Gigi and I decided to celebrate our 18th birthdays tonight. They were yesterday on the 30th but it was a Thursday and we had classes. Now it’s Friday night and we’re going all out, sexy costumes and all.

“Giselle, Shealynn, you girls better behave tonight. I don’t want your father getting a call in the middle of the night you hear me?” My mother liked to be the parent of Gigi and myself sometimes. She knew that we had planned on going all out for our 18th birthdays here in London but I didn’t think she would face time us rules. “Mom, Gigi and I are only going out for a couple drinks and to mostly dance. We will be absolutely fine. Okay? Oh! And don’t mention anything to Gigi’s dad. You know he’ll freak. We gotta go. Love you!” I nearly shouted as I clicked end to the call. Gigi’s dad was super overprotective and we were surprised that he let her go to university so far from New York.  As we finished getting into our costumes, (I decided on a sexy vampire and Gigi chose a sexy fairy costume.) we checked ourselves in the mirror for the last time and called a cab for the local club that was having a dress to impress Halloween bash.  We got into the cab and Gigi whispered to me “The driver could be our grandfather and he won’t stop starring at us.” “Well at least he’s stuck on driving duty and not prowling the clubs.” I replied. She giggled and rolled her eyes as we pulled up to the entrance.

 The night started off great. Guys constantly checking us out and starring but we didn’t care. We were here for each other and to have fun so with a couple shots later and loud music we were out on the floor dancing the night away. Everything was going great until Gigi left me to use the bathroom. She stumbled off and left me alone to dance. The music was blasting and I had adrenaline and alcohol coursing through my veins. I was feeling like a million dollars and then I noticed them. These piercing green eyes. Just staring at me with intensity as they moved closer to me. I couldn’t see a face underneath the mask but these eyes just made me melt inside. As they came up to me I didn’t know what to do but dance. He placed his hands on my waist and moved with the music. My heart started beating so fast and I pulled away but grabbed his hands. Next thing I know were alone making out furiously and clawing at each other’s clothes. The moment was intense but that’s all I remember. When I open my eyes I’m laying in a bed not remembering how I got here but with quick flashes of memory appearing before me. I remember leaving the club with green eyes and laughing a lot. He had the sexiest accent and when he kissed me my body would just purr. I look over and see him sleeping. Shit, we must be at his place. I don’t know where I am but I realize who I’m with. The sexy accent and piercing green eyes belong to my teenage crush: Nathan Sykes. Thoughts start racing through my mind. Had I really hooked up with this guy last night? Am I seriously wearing his t-shirt and boxers right now? I stumbled out of bed started to grab my things and looked at my phone. The battery was almost dead with 15 missed calls. Some from my mother and some from Gigi. It was noon already so we must’ve gotten back really late. I looked around his room and saw that it was actually quite clean except for the mess we made last night. He looked so peaceful in his sleep so I decided not to disturb him. I found some paper and a pen and scribbled a note:last night was amazing. Probably won’t see you around but if we run into each other again you can have your shirt back (; ~S  

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