Christmas time

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*skip ahead a few weeks, it is now Christmas time and Shealynn and Gigi’s families come across the pond to visit theirs daughters. Both family and daughters have news for each other.*

Gigi insisted on taking separate cars to go to the airport. There was just no way we would be able to fit both of our families in to just one car. She had her 3 younger siblings and parents to worry about whereas I just had my mom brother and cousin. Both of our families would be staying in hotels except for my cousin. She was going to stay with us during the holidays. As I got to the airport I couldn’t help but feel way too excited. I missed my mom a lot and even my older brother. It was a little saddening to know that I couldn’t come home during long weekends at University and that I didn’t have a Thanksgiving break. My brother was honestly lucky on that factor but he stayed local. I didn’t want to. My heart has always been set on England. And Gigi wanted an adventure so we chose London.  

As I got out of the car I hurried into the airport to see a crowd of exhausted and crabby looking people. Gigi’s siblings have gotten so big. Gabrielle was now 15, Angelina is 13, and Nico was finally 10. I’ve known them for years. Well since 3rd grade, but Gigi and I became best friends in 6th grade. Gigi’s family accepted me as part of the family and that was the best thing. To have a friend that is more like the sister I never had, and that her family is practically my family too is amazing. When they saw me there eyes lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July. I knew the feeling all too well. They were all jetlagged and tired, they just wanted to sleep.  I saw Gigi hurry in and rush over to her family then turn to me and asked if Gabby could ride with me. I didn’t mind and hurried to get my families luggage into my car. When they got settled and Gabby was with us I drove to their hotel. My mom was excited to see me but wanted to sleep so we didn’t talk much. My brother was more into his own world and stared out the window the entire time. I helped them take their stuff inside and told them I would pick them up tomorrow morning around 11.  Gigi’s family was staying at the same hotel as my mom and brother so I let Gabby out of the car and she waited patiently in the lobby. My cousin Laura was in awe of London as we drove back to our flat. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and I couldn’t wait to spend it ice skating and going to church with everyone and spending time with everyone for the first time in months.

“Shea I’m back!” Gigi called.

“Okay, I’m in the kitchen with Laura making so hot chocolate. Want any?” I replied

“Oh god, yes please. It’s cold out there today.”

She came into the kitchen and propped herself up onto a bar stool that we used as chairs for our freakishly high kitchen table. We made a little small talk then proceeded to make dinner. I wanted pasta and Gigi was known to make an amazing sauce based on an old family recipe and I had recently bought fresh basil and a couple bottles of wine. I liked days like these when we would just play music have a glass of wine and eat. Just have complete girl time and catch up with the rest of the world. Family and friends, that’s what it’s all about. 

We all soon went to sleep and woke up well rested. I promised to pick up my mom and brother so I showered and got ready then woke up my cousin. She seemed a little out of it so I had to blast some music to fully get her awake. Gigi had already left and was taking her family around London for the day. As soon as we were both ready I drove over to the hotel and called my mom to make sure they were coming down. My brother seemed in a better mood and gave me a proper hello. I told them I was taking them out for breakfast then on a proper tour of the city. Later on we were all going to meet up and go to church then ice skating so I was excited for that. I really missed everyone so this chance to be together was quite nice. My dad was working today so he would join us later, my mom and dad still talked but it was occasional

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