The Kiss.

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Nanashima's POV:

"there's only one reward left," Nishida proudly announced, waveing the reward card in the air before turning it around,"i can't wait for this."

Mine and Igarashi's eyes widened as we read what was written on the back:

Achievement  bonus: Igarashi will kiss Nana.

"what's that?!" I hear the purple eyed boy yelp as I stood speechless.

"I added it to give her further incentive. Just a little smooch."

"Hell no!" I yell.

"show the one you adore, you respect her hard work. " she smiled as Kae fangirled, "you owe her this."

I scream, stepping back a little bit as Igarashi grabbed my face, pulling it closer to his.

"No! Wait!" I cry, trying my hardest to get away form him",what are you doing? Stop it! Aaah. "

I could only resist for so long before Igarashi over powered me, slamming his lips into mine.
I felt myself meft into the kiss as I craved more.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay!
I'm into girls! Girls only!

I pulled away and ran off, hiding like a little kid. As I ran off, I heard the fangirl squeels of Nishida and Kae.

Sitting behind a wall, I sigh, touching my lips where Igarashi had kissed me.
A light blush crawled onto my cheeks.
I hid my face in my hands.

Fuck it, I'm going home.
I might still have another couple hours left but how can I face them after this?
I handled it like a fucking little kid.
Seriously, who runs away after kissing someone?

Especially after it wasn't even supposed to be a meaningful kiss. Just for Kae, to impress her.

Still confused and shaken, I run home, throwing my bag on my bedroom floor and flopping down on my bed.

Overwhelmed and confused, I feel warm tears stream down my face as I cover my head with my blanket.

"Nana?" I hear a deep, familiar voice say.
I sit up to see Igarashi, he looks concerned.

"I-igarashi? What are you doing here?"

"you left so quickly."

I look away. How can I look him in the eye?
The slightly taller boy cupped the side of my face, roughly and abruptly turing my head.

"Why did you leave, Nana? Where you embarrassed? Grossed out?"

His tone was so calm. Why?
Has he been in this situation before?

I said nothing.
"Nana, you don't need to be weirded out.
I-it's not weird. Promise."

The purple eyed boy stood up and started to leave.

I grab his wrist, spinning him around.
I cup his face and get closer to him, I can hear his heavy, nervous breathing.

"N-nanashima? What are y-you doing?"

Without thinking, I pull his lips to mine, kissing him slowly and gently.

Igarashi's eyes widen before he closes them. I feel his body relax while he places his hands on my waist.

His lips where soft and sweet.
I placed My hands on the back of his neck,pulling him closer, deepining the kiss as I bite at his bottom lip playfully.

The raven haired boy let out a cute, quite moan, I smirk, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

I feel him tence up so I pull away.

I look him in the face, his cheeks red from blushing.

"are yo-" I get cut off when Igarashi's lips come into contact with mine once again.
He grabbed my blonde hair,making it messier than it already was while I pulled his waist closer to mine.

Without realising it, we both take a coupe of steps back, not once breaking the kiss as Igarashi lowered us down onto my bed so he was on top of me.

He breaks the kiss, breathing heavily before kissing my neck, I grip his black hair.

"I-Igarashi..." I moan as his teeth graze the sweet spot on my neck.
The rougher he gets, the tighter my grip on his raven hair gets.

He pulls away and his purple eyes meet my bright, green eyes. We say nothing, just exchange smiles before he gets up, pulling me up with him and pecking my lips.

"Igarashi?" I snuggle into his shoulder,"we still have an hour and a half of school left."


"do you want to go back there?"

"if you want." he shruggs.

"we probably should."

"you should probably wear a scarf if your going out in public."


the purple eyed boy laughed, handing me my orange scarf. I put it on along with a coat as not to look too weird.

He takes my hand, making me blush, walking me back to our school.

Along the way there we got a couple of weird looks, mainly from elderly people.

Before we got to school, we unplaced our fingers, seeking back into the grounds in noticed.

We get to our lockers, I take off my coat and scarf.

"I wouldn't take that off, Nana. "

"oh..." I put it back on, blushing
a little bit "right."

I tuck my scarf into my shirt in an attempt to hide it.

After class, Mutsumi, Kae and Shinomiya ask me if I want to come to the roof with them. I geuss Nishida went home.

I walk with them to the roof to be greeted by Igarashi and Nishida.

"hello Nanashima." Nishida smiles at me, "what's with the scarf."

I freeze,"n-nothing."

"then you won't mide if I take it off you."
I step back as Nishida approaches, trying to take the scarfs from my neck.

"wait!" Igarashi yelped.


"I-I... Uh" Igarashi stuttered before just stumbling into my arms, kissing me gently.

Kae and Nishida fangirl and squeel. Shinomiya gasps.
Mutsumi just smiles.

Our cheeks go pink as we pull apart.
I look down at my feet as Igarashi looks at me, giggling at my sudden shyness.

I smile and look up at him, "ya know what's funny?"


"they probably have already assumed what's under my scarf but I'm still not takeing it off. "

"does this mean you two are dating?" Mutsumi asked, genuinely interested and not trying to be an ass.

We both shrug, smiling like idiots, not knowing what we are.

kiss me,not her. (Gay Short Stories)Where stories live. Discover now