Halloween Party

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(I've been spelling kae wrong all this time. Forgive me. )

I stand in a corner of the room, just watching everyone go by as they dance and talk to eachother. I wish I could be be part of that. I'm such a wimp.

Everyone but Mutsumi Is drinking. I guess it's one of those things he just doesn't do, I don't do it either. Beer tastes bad.

I soon see him approach me in his pikachu onesie, away from the crowd of people he was perviously talking to. I wave shyly.

"Shinomiya, aren't you going to join the fun?" he asks smiling.

"I-I'd rather just stay here. It's safer. I can't embrace myself if I'm not talking to anyone."

He smiles,"would you like to go somewhere quieter with me?"

I nod as he takes my hand and leads me outside to the porch. We just sit on the floor in a semi awkward, semi comfortable, silence.

"your costume is nice." he comments abruptly.

I look down at the vampire costume I got for ¥2000 (around £20 or $20)," i just got this last minute. To be honest, I wasn't going to come here until I knew Kae was going to be here but I haven't spoken to her all night."

"you haven't been speaking to anyone all night," he laughs.

"I think I'm going to leave in a little bit."

"you can't leave now," he grabs my shoulders and I quiver at his touch," Kae wants us to say after everyone leaves. She has something important to say or something."

I say nothing, looking deep into his eyes. It's scary for someone to be even this close to me but I sort of like it...

What am I thinking? This is so strange. I shrug it off and wait until the end of the night.

"so, I want you to stay the night," Kae smiles and continues, "it'll be fun."

I sigh and just watch everyone agree one after another, obviously scared one will make a move on Kae. Everyone but Mutsumi.

He just seems set on being happy, I don't think he's bothered about Kae at all. Even when we all tryed asking her out, wasn't he just trying to ask about some crummy book? He only agreed to go to because he thought it would be fun. I don't get it.

Nishida pulled out some sleeping bags from a drawer under the stairs with the help of Igarashi," everyone, go get changed. If you don't have pajamas than borrow some of mine or go home and get some!"

I get up and Beguin to walk out along with the others, apart from Kae, who was just gonna borrow Nishida's, was going to keep her company. I don't trust her but I'm to tired and if I didn't go I'd have to wear Nishida's pajamas and if they fit the other guys will take the piss out of me.
We eneded up splitting up, Nanashima and Igarashi in one direction and me and Mutsumi in another.

-------- (^^ this is what I started writing last year. For comparison, the story will continue, Tell me which you think is better please. I want to know if I've improved, worsened or stayed the same.^^)-----

Soon we return to Nishida's house, Kae jumping up and down with exitment with the slight sent of alcohol dancing on her breath. I giggle a little at her foolish demeanour, earning a small smile from Mutsumi. What does it mean? Why? I think I'm just over thinking everything.

"Let's play a Game!" She chirps excitedly, still jumping up and down like a toddler.

"What do you have in mind?" Igarashi questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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