Chapter 23

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It's been week since I'm being locked in the horrible prison. Well, I named the hospital as prison because it's a horrible and boring place to be at. All I had to do was stay on the bed and have some rest. Not my thing at all. I'm free now, out of the hospital but still, I'm locked in my- our bedroom. I want to go out and be free just like before. I'm not really in a normal life. I'm being hunted!

Well, that's not a problem for now. What I worried about is this pack, my family and friends. The witch was here to find that previous gem and key she's been looking for. What's so important about it? It's just a small key and a gem. Nothing special.

Actually, that things she was looking for are here, with me. I'm wearing it. It's something that I don't want to hand in to anyone. My father gave it to me. He told me to keep it and never take it off. I will do whatever he told me to do. I will never betray him. Never.

"Amelia" Blake called out and waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked at him a few times and he chuckled as he said, "What are you thinking about? Now c'mon. The others are waiting for you in the training area" I cocked an eyebrow and he shook his head as his palm came in touch with his forehead. "Amelia. Wake up from your dream and let's go now" He said, slowly and chuckled.

I looked at him, confused and I looked around to see I'm in my room. Well, me and Jayce's bedroom and finally, realization hit me. Right. We're having a party for me and I will officially become a Luna. I'm not sure about this. I put this pack in danger and some died because of me. I'm a horrible luna for them. I can't do this. I'm not enough.

I took a deep breath as I could see the training area into view and Blake put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. I looked at him and he nodded, reassuringly. We walked towards the stage that had been sat up by the others and stopped infront of the stairs of the stage. I hugged Blake and took another deep breath. It's now or never. I walked up the stairs to see Jayce waiting for me and I walked towards him before I hugged him.

He kissed the top of my head and said, "I'm glad you could make it" I pulled back as I nodded at him and he smiled at me, happily. Leah came and nodded at Jayce before Jayce managed to show up on the stage to face everyone. I turned my gaze towards Leah and she smiled as she hugged me. "I'm soo happy that you finally get to be the luna" she said, excitedly and I shook my head as I chuckled at her.

Everyone went silent including me and Leah as Jayce clapped his hand to get everyone's attention. "Thank you everyone. I am glad that everyone could make it here. So we are here today to celebrate and welcome the mother of the pack. We will finally make her one of us, the Crescent Moon Pack. May I introduce you, Amelia Kingston from Ember Moon Wolf Pack" He said with pride and I gulped.

Leah nodded at me and I walked towards Jayce as he thrust his hand forward for me to hold. "Now, with Amelia here, the most strong wolf in our history, will be here to take care of us, protect us and defend us" He paused and let go of my hand before he took the sharp blade on the table in front of us.

He smiled at me and said, "Amelia Kingston, I will take you as the Luna of Crescent Moon Pack to protect and defend" I looked around and I saw Felicia and her family nodded at me. I turned my face towards Jayce and said, "I, Amelia Kingston, will take the position as the Luna of Crescent Moon Pack to protect and defend" He nodded as he smiled at me warmingly and signaled me to hold my hand out.

I did as he ordered and he cut his palm before cutting mine. He hold my hand to his and our blood mix as I hissed because of the pain of the cut. I closed my eyes shut and I could hear everyone's thought in my mind. It made me had a headache that it's too many for me to handle.

"Open your eyes, love" Jayce whispered and I opened my eyes, slowly. I stumbled backward and Jayce helped to steady me. "Everyone, please calm down. She could get a headache like this" Jayce said and my mind went silent. 'Welcome to our pack, Luna Amelia!' Someone said to me through mind-link.

I smiled to everyone and Jayce grabbed my attention as he tied my hand with a cloth. "That should do it" He said before kissing my hand and I furrowed by eyebrow. "Well, that won't be needed, Alpha" I said and he chuckled. I grinned at him and we faced the others as they congrats me and welcome me to their pack, my pack.

"I can't believe you finally get to be our luna!" Leah squealed as she hugged me and I chuckled. Well, we've been planning to have a party for me before but then something terrible happened. I got kidnapped by- I don't want to talk about it. Erick, Erisa and Alpha Dylan appeared and I covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

Erisa grinned at me and I looked at Jayce, smiling. He nodded at me and I went to hug Erisa as she hugged me back. "Oh my gosh! You're here!" I said, excitedly and she giggled. I'm so happy to see her again. They congrats me and we talked to each other. Family bonding! Wait, I didn't say that. Jayce chuckled lowly behind me and I think my cheek turned crimson red by now.

I turned my head towards him and said, "Stop reading my thoughts!" He chuckled as he shook his head and I slapped his hard chest. He made an 'oof' sound and laughed. "Oh Amelia. I just can't help it. It's cute that you made that face" Jayce said as he wiped his tears from laughing soo hard.

Jayce's eyes left mine to look pass me and I turned around to see my family. I walked down the stage towards them and they hugged me altogether. Group hug! We all pulled away and I smiled as I looked at the people I missed so much, Gamma Ellison, Delta Ryan and his mate, Julie.

I turned my face towards Jessica and she said, "Amy! I missed you!" I chuckled and Jayce stood beside me. Jason came, rushing towards me and I saw Luna Madilyn, smiling at me as she walked towards us.

"Amy!" He exclaimed and Jayce opened his arm for Jason. Jason stopped in front of us and said, "No. I wanted a hug from Amy. Not you" I chuckled and Jayce sent me a glare. Jason stick his tounge out at Jayce and I pinched his cheek. "Hello cutie!" I said.

"Amy! Mommy said that you're in a higher rank like mommy now. Is that true?" He asked and I nodded. Alpha Alexander came rushing towards us with a baby on his hand and his face looked annoyed. Madilyn smiled, happily and I walked towards Alexander. "May I?" I asked and he nodded as I took the baby from him.

I smiled, looking at the little baby and Madilyn told me that it's a girl. She opened here eyes and hold her hand out to touch my cheek. I caressed her hand and she giggled. "She's pretty" I said and turned my face towards Jayce as he and the twins were talking. Leah put her hand on my shoulder and I shook my head, telling her that I'm okay.

Jayce stood as Blake approached us and he told us to follow him. We followed him and Madilyn took the baby from me. We finally came to a stop to see three fancy looking table laying infront of the stage and Blake said, "Alpha Alexander and the others, please follow me towards your table" They walked away towards their table and I sat beside Jayce.

I smiled at Vanessa, Hunter and a man who sat with us and Blake came to sit with us. I stared at the man and he smiled at me. "Welcome to our pack, Luna" He said, politely and I stayed silent, not answering him. "Oh right. Amelia, this is my Gamma, Toby. He just got here before we get you out of-" Jayce stopped and I shook my head, telling him that it's fine. I looked at Toby and smiled apologetically at him. I turned my gaze towards Jayce and he grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and everyone started to eat their meals. "So, how do you feel being a luna?" Hunter asked and I shrugged as I said, "I don't know but I feel different" He nodded and we talked to each other. Everything went well that night and I'm glad to see everyone.

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