Lovegames: Hakuouki Fanfic/One-Shots

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Coming soon to a wattpad near you!*DRUMROLL* Hakuouki One-shots!

This was...odd to say the least, but fun no less. Honestly no one could tell you how it all got started in the first place but here the Shinsengumi were, sitting in the red light district playing seven minutes in heaven with a bunch of maiko. The women all chose a chopstick, painted their favorite color on the tip, and placed them the other side up in a sake jar, which the men would pass around, each picking a stick (as their turns went on) and would go to another room with their chosen maiden. After the seven minutes were up, they were sworn to secrecy, the chopstick was thrown away (so no girl would have to play twice) and they would take a seat.

As added protection for the women, no man was aloud more than two glasses of sake so they wouldn't have to deal with drunken bafoons. The night was clear, yet rather humid, even the maiko who were used to working in such conditions couldn't help but fan themselves, hoping this summer would end fast, or at least this odd sticky weather. Given the weather, the tavern was full, the room the Shinsengumi were in was rather secluded, yet they could still here faint conversations of other parties around them. Which would lead one to think, how in the hell are so many maiko available anyway?

You see, when you have such a...eloquent speaker as Serizawa in the room, one cannot simply ignore is odd requests of one girl per of his men. He wouldn't participate (lucky for the women) but rather watch how the men reacted. Shinpachi and Sanosuke were rather pumped, but Toshi was eminating such disgust for the man's idea that it could be felt by anyone within five feet of him. The girls were actually trying to figure out if his handsome looks were worth his aura or not. Souji and Saito acted indifferent- although Souji's eyes did shine with mischeive, and Heisuke and Kondo just looked utterly shocked. Ryunosuke had no idea what this game even was, the poor bastard, and had taken to shyly eyeing the pretty maiko.

So here is a list of all who are playing this lovely game on this fine night in order of turns, which was decided of course by drawing straws.

First one the list is our dear commander himself, Kondo Isami, the handsome and humble man who had brought all of our beautiful men together.

Next to go is Saito Hajime the silent, mysterious type, a killer with the sword, but not so much with the ladies...

Shinpachi Nagakura is going third in this little game, and is pumped to meet his lovely little lady for the night.

Sanosuke Harada is up to bat then, not too worried about winning over the woman, seeing as he is a ladies man and well known for his skills with the opposite sex.

Ryunosuke Ibuki comes next, not sure really what he is doing, but bound to figure out by the time his turn roles about.

Souji Okita...that sly dog gets his chance after the kid and he knows exactly what he is doing...hehehe...he?

The least willing of the group- Toshizo Hijikata is next to play in line, and his choice of women is getting smaller, though no less pretty.

Last, but probably (hopefully) not least is Heisuke Toudou! He will be closing the night with the last girl left, and that will conclude our adventures!

Stay tuned for our first turn in the Lovegames of the Shinsengumi!

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