1.3 - rock, paper, scissors

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"rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"did i win?"


luke groaned loudly, reaching out for his tea. "you're so cheating."

"are you accusing me of taking advantage of a nineteen year old man's visual impairment by telling him that he hasn't won any of the 53 games of rock paper scissors that we have played so far?" michael scoffed, luke practically hearing his smile.

luke nodded, pursing his lips. "that's exactly what i'm saying."

"you see right through me, blind." he laughed, obviously amused by his joke.

luke bit his lip, trying not to let the smile that threatened him to force it's way onto his lips.

"i guess you could say it's a fifth sense." luke replied, now not being able to hold back a giggle.

they both started into a fit of laughter, causing other people to stare and whisper. neither of them cared, really.

instead of their usual place at the library, they decided to go somewhere less quiet, aka the coffee shop that michael worked at just up the road from the library. he had just got off of duty and since he sort of took luke's phone and got his number when he wasn't paying attention when they were in the car, he called him up.

calum, of course, drove luke there. ever since their little spat in the car, calum has been sort of spacey from luke and things were kind of tense between them, but the blonde was sure that things would go back to normal sooner or later.

"so, tell me," michael took a sip of his tea. "how were things with calum once i dropped you the other day?"

luke stiffened a little bit, but decided that he was close enough with michael to tell him. "i found a girl in my bed." luke coughed.

michael spit out a little of his tea on the table, causing luke to scrunch his nose. "you what?"

"yeah, apparently he met some girl names delilah at that party and brought her home and uh.." luke trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.

"in your bed?" michael asked.

luke nodded, letting out a sigh.

it was silent before michael let out a chuckle. "well, shit." he laughed, finishing off his tea.

the blonde boy pursed his lips and pushed up the sunglasses on his nose. he was sort of hoping that michael would have been more concerned, but brushed it off quickly. they weren't even friends.

it was silent for a while before luke interjected again. "hey, michael, about your sister--"

"oh yeah! that reminds me, i have a family thing." he interrupted.

"a family thing?"

"yes, a family thing. you know, one of those family game nights." he sighed, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"ok, and?" luke asked, raising his eyebrow.

"i don't know how to do this.." michael groaned.

"do what?" he asked in confusion, starting to become a little frustrated with michael.

"okay, do you want to come with me? to my family thing? it's on sunday. i know you'll probably say no, but my sister is bringing her boyfriend and i just--"

"are you saying i'm your boyfriend?" luke asked, an amused expression on his face.

"n-no, that's not what i mean, oh my god," he blushed. "there's going to be pizza and stupid games of twister and the game of life, and i would rather have to suffer with someone i like then have to do it with my family. so, do you want to come? as friends?" he finally finished rambling, letting out a big breath once he was done.

luke couldn't help but smile a little. he was a little hesitant to go, but then thought about it some more. it was a good way to get away from calum and avoid that tense awkwardness.

luke's smile was crooked once he looked back up at michael. "yeah. yeah, i'd love to come."

"ok, awesome. great. super. i'll pick you up at your apartment at like, 5:00?" he asked, nervousness in his voice.

luke had never seen the nervous side of michael before, and couldn't help but be amused at how flustered he was getting.

"sounds good, clifford."


this chapter is so cute i cry

btw follow me on twitter @PNKCOCK

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