1: Alexander

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A/N: Thank you to @2xturtleboi for the idea <3


"Dad I've told you a thousand times before, I don't want to do this!" Alex yelled at his dad. He was persistent, both of them were persistent. 

"And I've told you a thousand times before, you are doing this! This family business is to valuable! Now get ready for the meeting with Phillip Schuyler! You're meeting his daughter and you look like a mess in that fucking sweater." Alex's heart dropped. He just realized what was happening. He was meeting Phillip Schuyler's daughter. Phillip Schuyler owns a large furniture distributor. He was being put into an arranged marriage. This was Alex's worst nightmare come to life. He hadn't come out to anyone for many reasons but the overlying reason was that he was scared. What if he lost everything? His family, his friends? His potential and his grades. His family had paid his tuition. That shit is expensive! Of course he didn't want to study business and hotel management but that's was he was forced to do. He much rather of spent four years of his life studying journalism. That was his passion, to his family displeasure. He would spend hours cooked up in his room during high school writing papers that were pages longer than the requirement. He couldn't stop and all of his teachers knew it. They all expected him to go on to writing. At graduation when Alex was called up, they said his college and "to study business". Everyone was baffled but his family was satisfied. You could see it in the look of Alex's face; he didn't want to do this. For the past four years Alex has been unemployed, studying business, hoping the dreadful day would not come when Alexander would be written on all of the hotels legal papers. Alex drank a little to much because of this at times. He used to practice his signature for fun and get hit with the bleak reality of his life. He would go to a bar and as for a beer and keep getting them. The bartender because his friend. She was incredibly sweet and was from Albany. He never caught her name but they both knew each other like they know the back of their hands. She was taking classes on gender studies at the moment but worked at the bar full time at night, every night. Alex could defiantly rely on that. They could have conversations lasting the whole night. They grew incredibly close and because of the alcohol Alex had to learn to watch what he was saying. So now, Alex was putting on his "dressy yet casual" outfit so he was ready to go to the Schuyler Mansion. He didn't know what to expect. 

"Hurry your ass up, Alexander!" Alex didn't respond. Instead he got his ass down stairs and walked outside to the car. His father was sitting in the passenger set, his mother was in the back and Alex would be sitting next to her. The car ride was silent. The chauffeur talked to Alex's dad for five minutes discussing business plans but other than that no one talked. They arrived to The Schuyler Mansion in about three hours time. As the exited the car and they were greeted by Mr. Schuyler and his three daughters Angelica, Eliza, and... the bartender?

"Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all." Eliza said welcoming. She turned to her her sister Angelica and whispered in her ear. She looked starstruck. Her sister looked hurt but she was defiantly trying her best to hide that. The youngest sister, Peggy, looked completely dumb founded. She remembered him mentioning something about meeting up with "some rich family" for "business purposes" but in no word would she have predicted it was her rich family. Alex and Peggy both made eye contact. It's like they read each others minds "what the fuck?" was spread all of their faces.

"Come in! Let's talk over dinner." Phillip Schuyler said to his children and the Hamilton's.


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