Chapter Names

Most authors in Wattpad have been conflicted as to if they should give their chapter a name, or if they should just put numbers on it. Today's lesson is just that.

If you're just using a first draft, don't make it a point to name all of your chapters. If you plan on finishing the book's content itself, and go back and polish it, number your chapters. Many might take a lot of time planning a catchy name, but at that step, it's not exactly your number one priority. If you plan to finish the book's content, do just that and finish everything up.

Don't give too much away when naming your chapter. I have read numerous books on Wattpad that give so much about their chapter away when they name it. That's a huge mistake that could destroy whatever excitement you built up in the last chapter.

When all else fails, stick with numbering your chapters. Don't worry if you don't have catchy chapter names like the authors you love on Wattpad do. There are great books that prove that just numbering their chapters doesn't make it any less of a great book.

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