chapter 11

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Preston's POV

I feel pain all over my body and try to open my eyes but my head throbs a dull pain running on the side of my head. I finally open my eyes and look at the bright ceiling .

"Where am I ?" I was clearly in a medical facility but there were no other patients , I was the only one in the room.

"You're awake , thank god I swear tony would have camped here permanently even I had hard time getting rid of him ." I see a shaggy haired male walking towards me ,he was dressed in casual clothing but he had a stethoscope and clip broad .

He did look a doctor and he started taking checking my vitals . I observe him silently letting him do his job.

"Antony will be here any minute now ." wait tony I tilted my head towards him .my throat felt scratchy and dry I ask him for some water.

"You said antony will be here but where am I ?" He looks at me sheepishly and then antony barges through the door.

I feel myself smile without any reason , just his company is enough to lift my mood up . he slowly walk towards me as if not to scare me , nothing like his usual confident stride.

"Preston ." he whispers and my smiles widen hurting my cheek .

He slowly swept my stray bangs away from face and monitors my face .

"I'm sorry , I ran away ." he shushes me touching my lip .

"What happened and where am I ? I remember getting attacked." He slowly cradles my face , his intense gaze making me blush .

"I found you bleeding in your apartment , so we got you here rather than the hospital ." I take hold of his free hand and squeeze.

"Its all my fault Preston , you got hurt because of me ." he sounds really hurt , I really want to comfort him.

"He said he would leave me if I tell him about his brother." He asks me what I did next . I smile at him .

"I told him to go fuck himself and I wouldn't have told him even if I had known were you kept him , I would never betray you ." his eyes widen a bit and he press a kiss on my jaw.
I hiss a little , remember getting hit in the face .

"I bet I look pretty banged up and ugly." I joke trying to hide my nervousness.

"You are still the most attractive person in the room and you look damn fine , if you ask me fine enough to fuck whole night." The doctor behind antony makes a chocking noise looking uncomfortable and out of place.

"Oh shut up Brady , you have seen worse ." wait that's Brady . Antony's friend whose not scared to tell antony off when he throws a tantrum.

"You're not doing anything antony , he needs his rest . he's been unconscious for three days , so better keep your hands to yourself ." three days! My eyes widen and put some space between tony and I before he decides to think with his pants.

"I have been out of it for three days , my studies and my job and oh my god what if there's a test and oh no." I panic , I forgot about my classes and I'm going get in so much trouble .

"Its alright Preston , no one's going to do say anything to you and as for your studies Brady is a doctor he'll help you , your only priority is getting better like you said you're pretty banged up." He tries to calm me down but what if I lose my job and I can't ask Brady that.

"I don't want to cause any problem and I certainly don't want any favours." He pushes himself up from the bed and walks next to Brady with a smirk on his face.

"Oh don't worry darling , you're not causing anyone any problem . in fact Brady will love to help you out , won't you Brady?" I don't why but I'm getting a weird vibe from antony's smirk.

Antony's POV

I pinch Brady's side hard as I smirk convincingly at preston , he doesn't look like he's buying it . if I had a say preston wouldn't work there , he'll spend every free second with me but alas Preston's a independent person.

Brady gives a grimace because of my grip but tries to smile instead . "of course I would love to help and I would be nice to have an apprentice would appreciate my efforts ." I stop pinching him and he let's out a shuddering sigh trying to compose himself.

"As for your job , I would tell your manager that you're preoccupied for a while ." I grin just thinking about how fun it will be make that domestic rat piss his pants .

"You won't hurt anyone right ?" I press my hand on my heart with a fake hurt expression .

"Who me ? I wouldn't why would you even think that ." he didn't look like he was buying it .

"OK I promise , I won't hurt anyone at your workplace ." he finally give in and Brady tells him to rest now and ushers me out of the room .

"Okay what are you planning? , don't even about lying . I can see your devilish expression ." Brady always see through me .

"Well I promised Preston that I won't hurt anyone but I didn't promise that I wouldn't intimidate the shit out of them." He mutters a knew it and goes his merry way .

"Hmm I was supposed to order rhody to get someone fit hidden cameras in Preston's apartment ."


I have a feeling this chapter is not that nice but next one is definitely going to be better because its antony's birthday .


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