Chapter 3 | Trickery

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Writers note- last chapter ended with Toby coming in and telling her that supper was ready. But I forget what he said exactly soooo.

~At the table~

I sat directly across from Jeff at the table. Everyone started eating, but Jeff kept staring at you.
"Are you going to eat?" He says as everybody else is talking.
"I'm not that hungry" Lie.
"Come on eat up, we have something to do later" he smirks.
"Come down haha! It'll be your first killing spree although we want to try something" he says
"Um...ok fine..." i start to eat.
It actually tasted good, normally there was ether poisoning in the food at home or i had to starve...the rule was that he always made the food. On your plate was mashed potatoes, corn, and steak. But i didn't eat the meat, i don't like eating meat.

~after eating~

I were outside with Jeff waiting for Ben and Toby, the four of you were going out together. When they finally came out Ben was holding my school uniform.
I blushed, i thought the uniforms were weird (if you know what I mean.)
"W-why do you have that? .////."
"Go put it on we will be luring people in" Ben says with a smirk.
"Y-you'll see ju-st trust us" Toby says giggling.
I come out wearing the uniform, i had my arms crossed in front of my lap.
"Woah." Jeff mumbles.
I blush even more then you start walking.
We were finally out and i realized we were at my school...?
"Go in and bring out a few kids." Ben says.
"B-But I can't go in's lunch time! The worst time of all.."
"Perfect! Nobody will suspect a thing!" Jeff states.
They don't know how much i hate being there and how much i don't fit in. Even so i walked in for search of your bullies, Damian and cole. Luckily you meet up with them in the back entrance and the others hid in the forest.
"Ohoho! Look who we have here!" Damian says
I keep your head down as i walk towards them.
"Is it bad that she actually looks hot?" Cole asks with sarcasm.
I keep walking towards them.
"Where's your hoodie?"
"And your razors"
They both laugh.

Jeff's POV
What the hell are they doing to her?! Did they always act like this?!
"Where's you razors" one says
...oh god no it can't be.

Normal POV
They grab my waist and pull me close.
"Your eyes are still so dull".
"I didn't want trouble"
"Haha in your dreams"
Damian grabs my arm and lifts me off the ground.
"Let go of me..." i mumble.
They faced me to the woods, my curly hair covering half my face, and my arms and legs are showing all the cuts and bruises.
"You know the legend of the woods right?" Cole says.
"Whoever goes in never comes back?" Damien answers.
"Damn I'm going to miss having the punching bag around."
I can see Toby's goggles through the bushes and start to cry knowing they think im weak.
"I still have your little gift!" Damien giggles.
"It wasn't a gift! You stole it you bastard!"
"Watch your language" he says as he drops me on my knees.
Now if you don't want to get hurt let us do what we want and don't scream for help haha!"
I see Jeff stepping out from he bushes but hesitating.
I pull up your socks as I stand up, I'm too weak and fall back to the ground.
"Pathetic! Come on let's punish her" he says with a smirk.
He brings the razor to my throat causing me to fall on my back.
"Awwww you scared?"
"N-not at all..." i say weakly.
He grabs my thighs and i quickly punch him.
"Shit! What the fuck!" You weren't supposed to act back!"
"I'm sorry, I'm going in guys you can have them"
"Who are you talking to? You freak!"
I start to run in and he trips me and climbs on top of you.

Bens POV
"Guys we really should help her. Are you seeing what their intentions are?!"
"Loo-k at a-ll those c-cuts" Toby says.
"That's it I'm going out there!"
"Wait." Jeff stops me.
Let her handle this.

Normal POV
"The bell rang, you should go now..."
"Bell what bell I didn't hear anything haha" cole says.
I clench my fists and cole falls to the ground.
"What the fuck!" Damien yells.
he grabs my razor and pins my arm down and slices a cut. I flinch.
"Awwww look at your face! It's adorable when you cry!" He laughs.
"G-Go check on your friend he's not m-moving..."
"What do you mean?!"
"I killed him guys...he's dead...I did it"
My vision went blurry a little he cut me three more times.

Jeff's POV
"We never should've brought her out here without training!"
"She's going to bleed to death." Ben says.
You ran towards Damian and tackled him off of y/n, she then got up adjusted herself thanked me then went inside.
"Wait y/n!" I yelled but it was pointless.

Normal POV
That was crazy, i just killed another person. I check my wrists and stop the bleeding with a spell.
I look up to see the guy from lunch staring at me in shock. He just witnessed magic.
"What the hell that was awesome! What did you just do??" He says in excitement.
"Please! I want to know how you did it!" He begs you.
"Bring your friends out and I'll give you more then a lesson." I wink at him. It felt so weird to tease him like this.

~time skip-outside~

"Follow me boys" i say with lust in my eyes.
They all giggle with high hopes.
"Stay right here ok?"
One by one they die off, six more bodies dead in the back.
"How does it feel to be tricked." I say with sadness in my voice.

Bens POV
I never knew she had such a hard life, and I never knew she could take it out like that. She's so good at faking. There was silence then she picked up the razor and put it in her now bloody uniform pocket.
She grabs a sweater from one of the guys and puts it on.
"Woah." Jeff says.
"Let's Go..." y/n mumbles. She was silent the whole way home while us guys would be talking about our awesome moves and their scared faces.

Thanks for reading this weird chapter! 🥔

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