fifth period

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Four days later....

Today is last day of work. I am really sad. I am at recess with the kids right know. I smiled watching them race each other.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turn around and see paul with roses.

"Hey paul" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Here you go, beautiful roses for a beautiful girl" he said giving the roses.
"Aw Paul, this is beautiful"I said giving him a hug.

"Miss, David pushed me an-"  lily was saying until she saw Paul. Her eyes widened as she was smiling

"Happy birthday lily!!" I said. Paul went up to her and picked her up.
"Hello lily, today is your birthday?" He said. She nodded with excitement.
"Happy birthday" paul said and gave her one of my roses.
"Thank you!!" She said and hugged Paul really tight. The cuter thing about it, was Paul hugging back. He would make a great parent.

"I'm not the only one who came here" Paul said. Just when he said that, john, george and ringo came out.
"Hello" that all said. They all started singing Happy birthday. Lily kepted staring at them,

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