Namjoon-Rainy Days (pt.1)

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You and Namjoon had been best friends for 3 years and it was a amazing yet difficult friendship because of his busy schedule and you still in school you hardly ever saw each other but when u did there was never a dull moment. But lately somethings been bothering you more than normal, you have feelings for him but in a more than friends type of way, and it's hard to hide those feelings when all these girls are all over him and flirting with him, you don't blame them though have you seen him his gorgeous, but sometimes he's even flirting back and it makes you extremely jealous but you can't do or say anything about it or it will be obvious you like him so you just ignore him and his fans when they get that way until their gone because they don't care about you. Right now you two were laying on his bed watching movies, you had planned on going to the park but it started to rain really hard, so that plan was ruined but you were ok with it because you were still with Namjoon and having a good time as usual snuggling up under a small blanket in one of his sweaters he let you wear.
"Hey y/n, remember the first time met?"
You looked up from the movie to see a beautiful Namjoon looking over towards the window painted with heavy rain, completely oblivious to anything going on outside of his daydream.
"Yeah of course I do, why?" You asked him in a duh kinda questioning tone.
"It's strange, some our best times are in the rain. Don't you think?" He looked down at you.
"I mean, now that you mention it, yeah they are. But may I ask what brought this up all of a sudden?"
"Well I was just thinking about how we were supposed to be in the park but my plan was kinda ruined by the rain and it brought me back to the first time we met..."
(Flash back to the first time you met Namjoon)
"Ughhh, this stupid rain needs to stop." You said to yourself as you were walking back to your apartment as fast as you could without look like an idiot running down the street, because you forgot your umbrella so now your stuck in your second shower of the day. Suddenly you bumped into someone and fell to the ground from the force and your small frame.
"I'm so so sorry, I'm such a cluts sometimes, again I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." You ramble on not bothering to look at who you bumped into as you try to get to you feet
"It's alright we all have those days, here let me help you." The man said in a calming voice and reached his hand out to you.
"Thank you." You take his hand and get up from the ground. Finally looking up to the kind man you coincidently just bumped into, the stranger was a tall Korean man with silver hair and the most beautiful smile you have ever seen he was like some kind of foreign God. All you could do was stare into those beautifully dark eyes of his, mouth agape, and stunned. But you didn't seem to be the one under some strange spell because his face was a close replica of yours. You completely forgot about the rain pouring down drenching you until he snapped back to reality in a way.
"Your soaked, here." He moved his umbrella in between the two of you and just looked at you.
" you I didn't realize it was raining still..." you looked down at your shoes blushing, with a small smile and a slight giggle. Emotions mixing from embarrassment to anger, confusion, and shyness. You looked back up and apologized to him one last time then telling him that you had to go. Walking away you feel a hand on your wrist, swinging around you see the same stranger holding onto you.
"'s your name?"
"Y/N, Y/F/N, what's yours?"
"Kim Nam-joon, but everyone just calls me RM."
"Well Kim Nam-joon or RM it was nice to meet you but I really should go and get out of the rain before I catch a cold." You smile at him.
"May I walk you? You don't have any umbrella to protect you and I think we could both use the company."
Smiling even bigger than before you answer him with a nod. He walks till he's next to you still holding onto you and smiles looking down moving his hand from your wrist to your hand looking back up as to ask if it was okay. You reply with a smile and start walking with him hand in hand. (So much smiling going on gosh I'm surprised your faces aren't stuck that way, though it would be a refreshing sight to see compared these robots over taking our planet. Oh and end of flash back)
"Something happened to me that day and I just didn't know how to tell you but the guys keep telling to just say it already or they would try and take you from me and I can't let that happen so I was planning on telling you at the park, I had a whole plan too. I was going to take you out to the park where I had set up a picnic and then we would walk around maybe go shopping and get ice cream, go to the movies, then to dinner but I can't do that now but I'm still going to tell you." Namjoon closed his eyes took in a deep breath then started talking again but this time he was facing you and looking into your eyes. "Y/N, I...uhh...met a amazing girl 3 years ago in the rain..she was, no she is the most stunning person I have ever met....and she just,...umm..just completely changed my life for the best. I know she must only see me as a would probably never see me as anything else but I just hope she can accept my feelings for her...and..maybe...even stay being my friend...umm...because I...I don't know what I would do without her... without her in my life. But I..umm..I really like you. You don't have to say anything..but I just had to tell you what I've been feeling for the past 3 years...and it''s...only been getting stronger. But just know that even if you don't feel the same way...I will always be here for you and will never stop fighting for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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