First Day

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The sun started to rise, the birds started chirping and a gust of wind came crawling through the window of a girl with dark brown hair.She got up, rubbed her eyes and then closed the window.Her alarm on her phone rang and she turned it off.She went downstairs into the basement and started to train for a while. As she kicked and punched the punching bag connecting to the ceiling.When she finished the went upstairs to eat breakfast.She made a few pancakes she sat down and ate them.After that she got dressed into a white buttoned up shirt and black pants. 'I'm not sure is this is too formal, no I don't think so' she thought.She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "My name is Connie, I was accepted here by this school" Connie said and repeated. She took a deep inhale and exhale, she took her bag n' walked out the door.She waited for the bus then took the subway too the school.When Connie got there she took a look at the golden gates of the school and all the cars passing through the entrance.Connie took a look at her schedule and she had English room 134.She ran around the school and found the room, then entered. "Your late" the teacher said, "Take a seat" she said again.Connie took at seat, "Alright, I'm Ms.Sky your English teacher for the year" she wrote Ms. Sky on the board. "I'm giving you 15 minutes to introduce each other to each other, Get a move on!" She raised her voice at the end, the students got up and started to talk with each other.Connie took a look around the room and her eyes caught a girl with wavy strawberry blonde hair and clear crystalline blue eyes, and a boy with slicked back platinum blonde hair and steel gray eyes. He was all over her, Connie had built up the courage to walk up to them."Hi my name is Connie, I was accepted here by the school" she said put out her hand."Yeah no shit, bitch" he said, "Draco! Don't be mean!" She said. "Sorry Melanie but I don't speak to peasants" Draco said.Melanie took Connie's hand and shook it. "Nice meeting you Connie" She said and smiled, "Same too you" Connie said and smiled back.She caught a small girl with dark purple dyed hair looking at her from a distance.She walked up to her "Hello my name is Connie, I was accepted here by the school" She said and put her hand out."Yeah I know...The names Ai Im the student council president"Ai said and shook her hand."The time is up!Sit down everyone" Ms.Sky said. "Well it was nice meeting you, cya!" Connie said and when to her desk. After the students sat down Ms.Sky finished on with her lesson about simple literature.The bell rung."There is a meeting after school who ever wants to join come to the cafe. Text me who ever wants to join and I will sent you the location" Draco said and stood up. "Sit down! Class is not dismiss yet" Ms.Sky said. "You know I could get you fired so easy 'Hani'" He said with a devious look on his face. She slammed her hands on the desk "NEVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN, LITTLE BOY-" she shouts. "Remember what my last name is, I own this place" he said and walked out the same with everyone. Connie looked back at Ms.Sky as she had her hands on her forehead. Then she walked out.Connie when to all of her other classes after school she got a message from a private number.Saying 'Meet at the Love Love Cafe on 70 Main St, at midnight' Connie opened her front door and then went into her house.She went up stairs and took a nap.She woke up and looked at her phone for the time, it was 11:51." Fuck!" She screamed, she hoped out of bed then ran downstairs.Slammed her front door and to the cafe.When she got there the woman at the cashier stared at her, Connie went up to her "Pure Blood" she said quietly. "Follow me" she replied, she opened the door to the kitchen and that lead to another door behind one of the shelves.She pushed the shelf and opened the door, then pushed back the shelf and closed the door behind them.They kept waking down the dark hallway and at the end of it was a metal door."Pure blood" she knocked on the door then said.Someone opened the door and it lead to a fancy living room.It had a massive tv and a 4 couches surrounding it "Follow me" the girl said. They walked out of the living room and walked into the dining room a group of people was there Ai,Melanie,Draco and Ms.Fox.The schools gym teacher Connie took that seat next to Ms.Sky."Welcome my friends!" A voice said, A man with a trench coat and a designer cane walked down the stairs joyfully but slowly. "My name is Lucifer and I am your boss"....

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