Chapter two

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"Lin run play number 3, this up coming game we are going to be weak on our defense because Sanders is out, so we need to have a quick offense and fast threes" coach says as he throws the ball straight at my bare chest just missing the upper part of my stomach. he takes two long strides as he throws his face in front of mine, his eyes latched to my eyes.

"Think you can handle that"? He growls at me with challenge discreetly woven into the question.

"I think I can handle that coach" I say as I dribble the ball the where the three point line starts. I take a few deep breathes as I feel a line of sweat trickle down my forehead, the pressure was on. I place my right foot slightly in front of my left, bouncing on the balls of my feet. dribble, dribble, breath, jump release, that's the order I always tell myself to go in, and it works every time. as the ball releases from my hand I throw my finger tips down to get a spiral roll on the ball, it reminds me of water, it's always moving in interesting forms. as the ball drops into the net, satisfaction rings through my ears, a perfect swish.

"How was that coach" I say to my coach in a mocking tone

"You just barely made that Lin, if you were tired and under pressure you would've been way short" coach says as he throws the ball in the basketball cart.

"I don't get it coach, I'm improving, I'm already getting college offers! I'm a junior!" I throw my hands up and put them behind my head, I was starting to get a headache.

"You're showing off" coach says as he walks off the courts into his tiny office. Me, showing off? That's such bullshit. If I showed off then why would i be getting college offers? Why can't I just do something right for once? I walk into the empty locker room, filled with disappointment. I can't put in my combination because my emotions are too fucked up right now, I am shaking. I feel such an energy rise to my hands as they turn to fists and collide with any object. it turns out it hit a metal locker, leaving a dent. great, more fucking problems. I hang my head in shame because I can't even open my locker. How am I supposed to be a star basketball player like my brother, when I can't even get past my own self loathing? why can't I be the best? My brother Johnson had it all and he didn't work as hard for it as I do, it was handed to him on a silver platter. I have nothing. Disappointed, I hang my head low and walk out of the locker room as a man condemned to being second. I walk up the steps counting each one, 23 total steps, just like yesterday. I open the doors to the high school only I am now exiting instead of entering. I walk alone to my piece of shit car wondering if I'll ever get a new one, probably not. I throw my bag in the trunk and I sit in the front seat. the hot leather burns into the little pieces of exposed skin, it feels comforting to know I'm still feeling pain, it means I'm still alive. I turn on my car and drive out of the parking lot now vacant from all cars, expect one. a white ford truck is tucked away in the back with a girl looking under the hood of the truck. I pull up to see if she needs help.

"Hey do you need help"?

"It won't start" she says. she turns around to show me, but I can't believe my eyes. it's Parker, and she's still wearing my shirt.

"I can give you a lift to your house Parker"

"No no no it's fine I can just walk" she grabs her back and starts walking, I drive up next to her.

"Why walk when I have a perfect vehicle right here" I offer a smile to help with her nervs.

"You could be an ax murder or worse a sales person" she laughs at her own joke, I laugh with her.

"Take a chance" as soon as I say those words I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, almost saying remember.

"Okay" she climbs into the passenger side and I start to drive away. she gives me directions to her house but I'm not paying attention. I look at the road and not at her because I don't want to see her gorgeous eyes and cause a crash. I wouldn't want to see those gorgeous eyes closed. when I pull up to her house, it looks simple, ordinary, nothing like her. at least I'm assuming. "okay here you go, and if you need any ride just let me know"

she smiles "sure I'll let you know if I see you in school" she starts walking to her garage door she abruptly turns

"Wait your shirt"!

"Keep it, it looks better on you than it does on me" I smile and wink knowing what trouble I'm getting myself Into, but I've always found a thrill and love for trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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