Chapter one

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"He is totally checking you out Parker" Hannah told me

"No Hannah seriously he doesn't like me, he's the all star basketball player I'm just a hopeless romantic. it won't happen" I told her as I shut my locker. we start to walk through the halls of my high school until I realize I forgot something in my locker.

"Hannah you go to class I forgot my textbook"

"Parker mr.harp won't let you get out easy for being late"

"Hannah I know, I'll stay after or something" I turn around and walk to the direction I just came from. as I walk back to my locker I look at what all the girls are wearing and boy do I feel out of place. all of these girls are blond, confident, and flirty three things I'll never be. I am brunette, quiet, and shy but in a mysterious hipster way. I look down at the ground as I walk past all of these gorgeous girls, they make me so self conscious. I look down at the white tiled floor and my black vans, silently praying I won't fall flat on my face. just when I'm about two steps away from my locker, the worst possible thing happens. the stunning, confident, award winning smile, basketball star Gunnar Lin runs into me and spills his Gatorade all over me. I can't even register what happened as I look down at my red stained shirt. the hallways have become silent like they are waiting fort reaction. when I look up to see him I'm very suprised. he looks scared. his emerald eyes are wide open and his plum pink lips are slightly parted, a slight blush on his cheeks. I can't help but smile at his reaction.

"Urm Gunnar it's fine,it was an accident" I say hoping to calm his nerves.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking" he says trying to regain his confidence

"It's fine really, at least it was red Gatorade and not blue" I saw trying to make light of the situation

"Haha yeah lucky I guess" he says while adding a smile at the end. I could look at that smile all day and hear his laugh all night.

"Hey um"? he he starts

"Parker" I say with a slight smile

"Parker. do you need another shirt? I have one in my locker, I don't use it so it doesn't smell but if you want a clean one, you can have mine". My heart stops beating but only for a second until I realize I have to answer his question.

"Uh yeah sure, that's really nice of you" I say as we start walking down the hall to the gym. I walk all the way with a smile on my face.

"Okay Parker so, how's your day going"

"Eh it's alright"

"Well why just alright"? he bumps my shoulder with his

"Well my dad passed away over the summer and it's just been rough"

"Shit Parker I'm so sorry about that. I'm sorry I brought it up"

"It's alright Gunnar you didn't know". we walk the rest of the way in silence. we get to his gym locker and he puts in the combo and takes out the shirt. it's a black shirt with the high schools basketball logo on it.

"Okay turn around while I change" I say as I walk to the corner of the room. he looks at me like I'm crazy

"What? I trust you" I say as I take off my shirt and put on Gunnar's. it's a little long but it'll work for today, plus it smells like his cologne.

"How do I look" I ask as he turns around, I do some fake model poses which gets a laugh out of him

"Looks great" he says as he walks over to me, he reaches towards my arm and grabs the tee shirt sleeve and he rolls it up.

"There, now it looks super stylish" he says really close to my ear, he's such a flirt.

"I need to get to class" I say as I take a couple steps back to get some distance between us. Before I get an answer I turn around and start walking to class well more like running. when I finally get to my classroom I see Hannah in the back and she saved me a spot.

"Ms Parker so you have a pass" my teacher asks me

"Uh no I had to change because my shirt got wet" I say as I start walking to my seat

"Well you can come after school to make it up" he says as he turns back to the board. I sit down with Hannah to my left, my face feels so hot so I know I've been blushing.

"Parker" Hannah says while leaning over her desk so she can get to mine

"Yes Hannah" I whisper back

"Nice shirt" she says with a smile and a wink. I silently pray that this shirt will be the start of something new with my hopeless crush, Gunnar Lin.

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