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A loud clap—as if two metal pans were thrust together at maximum speed—reverberated all around Arryn

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A loud clap—as if two metal pans were thrust together at maximum speed—reverberated all around Arryn. The sound carried, whizzing past her ear in a gust. Strands of her hair flew in different directions at the sudden breeze.

The clap faded, leaving behind a low whimpering.

She peeked an eye open. The Doberman convulsed on the ground, a fresh bullet hole lodged in its skull. Pale saliva foamed from its mouth, rapidly spreading along the creature's blackened lips and onto the concrete below. After a moment, the movements stopped.

"Arryn?" A familiar voice called out behind her.

"It can't be," she muttered, her voice swept away in the breeze.

Cold droplets pelted her skin. It started slow, the rhythmic droplets plinking metal and splatting concrete filling the parking lot. The continuous sounds drowned out the distant screams and car alarms.

She hesitated, wondering if the voice she heard was truly there, or if this was all some twisted fantasy her mind conjured to shield herself from reality. A reality where the Doberman had been victorious.

"Arryn!" The voice grew closer.

Thunder boomed.

A tug on her shirt made Arryn jump. Looking down, Trinity pulled at the fabric, desperation plastered on her face. "That lady is calling you."

Arryn swallowed hard, following Trinity's pointed finger. Pressure swirled in her chest. Could it really be her? No. It can't be. The swelling balloon of hope sprung a leak and deflated just as quickly as it came. She couldn't handle false hope now. Not after everything she'd been through. What little fight she had left dangled by a thin, fraying thread.

Her sights fell on two figures, one male and one female. The male had a gun pointed in Arryn's direction while the female held her gun down by her hips. A look of recognition stared back at Arryn in the girl's brown eyes.

"Claire?" Arryn gasped, pinching her arm as reassurance that this wasn't a mirage.

Claire raced across the parking lot, reaching Arryn in seconds. Arms wrapped around her body like a snake constricting its prey. Every muscle ached at the added pressure.

Pulling away, Claire smiled wide. "I didn't think I would see you again."

"I-I thought you died," Arryn whispered.

She took in Claire's appearance. Blood trickled from a nasty gash on her friend's forehead. The skin around it already turning a deep purple. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with some blood matting a few loose strands to her face. Droplets of either rain or tears rolled down her cheeks. The faded, green tank top had ripped in a few places, exposing cuts and bruises underneath.

"You should know I'm too stubborn to kill." Claire let out a forced laugh. Her smile quickly faded.

Arryn looked past her friend at the other figure standing beside the white SUV.

Dog Days: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now