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Muffled voices cried, barely discernible over the roar of the torrent rain and the whistling of the wind. A loud crack rang overhead as lightning jumped from cloud to cloud. Trees leaned sideways, threating to break under the harsh winds. 

Splashing was heard with every step she took. Her shoes were soaked. In fact, her whole body was drenched in the freezing water. The wind cementing her clothes onto her goosebump riddled skin.

She shuddered. The Vermont air had become brisk. Droplets of water rolled down her body, seeming to weasel its way into any crevice the liquid could find. A continuous stream trickled off the peak of her nose, dripping onto her upper lip.

An audible thump came from in front of her. Through the thick rain, she saw a dark silhouette moving her way. She couldn't make out the being's features but could tell it was advancing fast.

It's a rabid, come to finish me off.

A nail felt like it was being driven into her chest. Each beat seemed as if it was a mallet, hammering the nail in deeper.

"Arryn! You're bleeding! Arryn what happened? Is he..." the figure gasped.

Claire's face glowed as she stepped into the glare of the car's headlights. Claire was already saturated. Her eyes rapidly blinking as the rain pelted her face. Mouth hanging agape as her eyes trailed Arryn's body.

"What's that in your hand?"

Arryn glanced down at the soggy scrap of paper gripped in her palm. The ink had smeared across the page, becoming a large cluster of a purplish-black. Her father's message was gone.

"Arryn?" Claire pressed. Her eyebrows scrunched together, forming creases on her face.

Arryn wanted to speak. She wanted to tell Claire everything. Words eluded her as she stammered. Her body shivered and her teeth chattered.

"Come on, let's get you back in the van. You're freezing."

Claire's cold hand came to rest on her back, touching her icy skin. Another shudder passed through her body as Claire led her back to the white SUV.

Once inside, Claire quickly cut the air off, shifting it to heat. Arryn could feel eyes boring on her, waiting for an answer as if she were a performer on stage.

"I'm so sorry," Claire whispered. Her voice, though a whisper, echoed in the silent car. Even Trinity remained quiet, fixating her attention on the green bear in her hands.

"He's not dead. At least I don't think he is." Her hoarse voice finally found her.

Claire's eyes widened as Austin's narrowed.

"What did you find in there?" Austin asked.

"My dad," she started, looking down at the limp piece of parchment in her hand, "wrote me a note. He went to the lake house. At least I hope he made it there. He wants us to meet him there."

Dog Days: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now