Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy day the rain shot out the sky like bullets and my only thought was why? Why did I have brothers if they were of no use to me I mean I called all four of them and none of them said they will come....first I called Zack he was at the gym . Then there was Josh he said he was out of town,ya right. Next there was Edward his excuse was Training for a motor show (I will tell you more about us later in the chapter) then there was the one I would only dare to call...Eric and when I did call him he simply said no I will not fetch you from school. Only thing left to do was find my own way home on foot . I walked through a dark and scary alley which was the kind you would find in the movies with a axe murderer ready to kill you at the end thankfully when I got to the end there was no axe murderer . Soon I found a friendly looking bed and breakfast and went inside to ask for directions home.


Finally I found my way home and when I went inside the house it was completely quiet . I figured I was home alone but I was wrong I walked into my eldest brothers room and found him doing absolutely nothing. I walked up to him and slaped him across the face."what the hell Amber!" he said with anger."Hi Eric do you want to know why my hair looks like a stringy mop or why I'm soaking wet or why I'm home and hour late,well let me enlighten you it all has the same answer, because you can't do something as simple as pick me up from my new school I got wet, ugly hair and I got lost .You knowing very well neither of our parents are in the country knowing no one was going to pick me up from school today and I look at you sitting here doing nothing!! you know what Eric you are the biggest excuse for a brother!" I stormed out of my brothers room feeling my blood boil inside me but as soon as I got to my room I felt better.Okay so hi or whatever I'm Amber and I want to murder my brothers, so let tell u about them first we have Eric my 26 year old excuse for a brother as you can tell we don't get along at all.He is the type of guy I would think makes out with 3 different girls in one night but the sad truth is he's a successful author who is nothing like that but a girl can dream lets describe him he's got blue eyes and light brown hair and a smile that can make you melt to his feet so I'm not surprised that every friend I have ever had crushed on Eric it was Soo gross trust me having the feeling of your best friend only be your best friend to see your brother is as bad as it gets.So lets move on to my next brother Zack he's 24 and if you think you know him you probably do he is a famous motocross racer and well he is the only one of my brothers I can tolerate and the only one that I could trust but he betrayed our trust by telling Eric about my school girl crush, that was the day I decided to tune all of them out all four of them and its been 3 years since I had a proper conversation with either of them we keep it on a need to know bases.It breaks my dads heart that we don't get along but in my defence locking me in the closet with a straight jacket on and forgetting about me till the next morning was not going to be taken lightly I will probably hold it to the 4 of them forever.Zack has brown hair green eyes he has earings and has a thing for bmx, skateboarding, motocross and horseridding.Next there's Edward he is 22 and he kind of looks like Logan Lerman.he is the type that's good to everyone accept me.He likes to paint and is famous for what he has painted so far, another thing he is known for in our neighborhood is his skating he was rated 2nd best in city one other thing that make him think he is better than everyone is his dancing he is an incredible dancer and that is what makes me hate him even more not that fact that he can dance that fact that he gets a big head about it is what annoys me.Now is Josh he is 20 and he has blue eyes light brown hair and has a pretty smile.He loves to horseride, drift and ice skate.So he does these drifting shows across the country every now and then for fun just to put his skills to the test. Yup that's my family...oh wait I forgot my dad.Patrick hunter my dad is the kind of person you would say is a kid stuck in a grown ups body well at least that's most of the time.When his got a big business deal coming up he turns into a miserable grown up who hates the world but when all the business stuff is over he turns back into a kid.One thing he loves doing is teaching me magic tricks but not stuff like pulling a rabbit out of a hat he teaches me stuff like pulling a hat out of a rabbit.He also likes to make music with Eric.

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