stuck between my bestfriends (kirko bangz,odell beckham jr)

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Jordan's pov

                        I'm so excited today is my birthday and odell is coming back in town from lsu and kirko is comeing home from tour. the sad part about it is I want to spend my birthday with both of them but they don't like eachothere. PROBLEMS MUCH. I swear they have more drama then girls so I decided to spend half the day with kirko and half the day with odell.  since Kirko won't get here til the afternoon Odell and I are doing what ever I want to do. YAY! I'm so excited!

Odell's pov

                    I'm so excited to be back home, but not only am I home it's Jordan's birthday so imma gonna take her to do whatever she wants to do. I swear im so In love with Jordan and everyone always telling me I like her but I just play it off like it's nothing but I'm in love with her. I need to tell here soon before kirko gets to her. let's just say I don't like that nigga and never will..... as of horses birthday. me and my sister jazzy are taking  Jordan out to eat then imma take her shopping and we will probley see frozen since Jordan's been telling me about that movie forever...  ugh I only love this girl so much

Kinko's pov

                    ayye,it's Jordan's G-day.  I'm so ready to be home and see my right hand girl..  I miss Jordan so fucking much right now like I don't even think the lord understand..  I may have a hard front but when Im with Jordan I can drop that and be kirk.. when I'm with jordan I can be a nigga from the hood and be myself and I fuck up... do stupid shit...  and get into trouble and this girl will ride with me no matter what... I'm planning while I'm home imma tell her how I feel because it tears me apart to be away from her..  now about odell me and that nigga ain't cool for shit we aint never gonna be... the only reason I haven't done shit Is because of Jordan bit just wait when she leaves it's going down.. SHE NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!!...

Jordan's pov

my thoughts on KIRKO:

Kirko is my jelly bean. as in jelly bean I mean he hard on the outside he can be mean rude and just about anything else. but when he openes up he's soft and sweet.. like say I'm having a bad day he will be soft and sweet. he will try to cheer me up and will send me flowers and long text and stuff.  he can get MEAN when I argue with him or I talk about ODELL and when he doesnt have any hennessy . which he needs to atop drinking that stuff it's going to mess up his liver and when he's dying on his death bed immaterial sit there and die of laughter because I told him so.!

thoughts on ODELL: 

odell Is my gummybear football player.

he's my gummy bear because he's soft on the outside but sweet on the inside.  he's soft because he falls for all my tricks like if I want something really bad and talk him into it he will get it for me. he's sweet because when I need him he's there for me.  like if kirko is just being. a but I can talk to odell..  I think the only thing that gets me mad is when I talk about kirk he talks bad about him..  but when I talk about odell with kirk he just ignores the subject .


how did you all like it?

drama and the story will start next?

message me if you have any ideas!

thanks for reading!! ♡♡♡♡♪

stuck between my bestfriends (kirko bangz,odell beckham jr)Where stories live. Discover now