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Lucky people tend to be higher in the ranking, this gift determines what life you lived. Which is seriously not fair. The gift is how much money has been put into your credit card at birth.. I'll explain. People in the highest ranks tend to be given plenty of money while people at the lowest are lucky to have over a hundred.

Ranks determine what type of ability is given to you. I'm pretty sure people in the high ranks end up having some gnarly ability while the lower ranks will end up being an office worker that has speedy fingers. I don't know..

I think I was meant to be in the middle, but someone messed up when they made me.

When people take out a dollar, they lose a dollar in their credit card. They can earn it back by jobs or sales, which are hard to come by, but I think mine is broken. Why? Because my credit card doesn't work like that. Everytime I take out a certain amount, double that much gets put back in.

I started off with fifty bucks, some or most middle/low rank people do. My mother had told me to take out a ten because she needed extra for my share of food, and when I took a ten out, I found out I had seventy! Everytime I took out some out I got double that amount! I was ecstatic! But I didn't tell my mother and gave her only a ten.

I regret not telling her, but I'm sure I'll come up with a reason as to why I didn't. Anyways, I think I could be in the high ranks from how much money I could earn, but I was born into the lower middle. Am I higher than high ranks? Because high ranks can still go bankrupt while I will never?

Well goodbye then, I'll be living my life somewhere.

Okay, I'm back and it turns out that I was teleported to a different universe that's kind of the same but no one knows what I mean by, "what's your rank?" While I was explaining everything..

Oh no!

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