Chapter one.

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I'm Daisy and I'm sixteen years old. I go to Downey High. I'm honestly a shy girl, I don't talk that much. I had my first word when I was two, and it was 'Okay.' But I am a virgin, I never had my first kiss, never had a boyfriend and I only had crush's on boys that never noticed me. I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life I bet.

The first day of school was the worst day of me life. I always am terrified of being bullied, harassed, and any other major things. I don't have any friends really, just the "Technology Club nerds." During lunch I just sit in the library, eat a apple and read our study. I  would have strait A's except in p.e I honestly an terrible at it, as embarrassing as this is last year I had a D- and was called 'weak geek freak.' It was lame it dust hurt me, well not all the time anyway.

But anyway, the first day of school was in two days so I'm shopping tomorrow. That's the only thing I like about that, not because I get clothes because I get a new book series that will last me the rest of the year for me. But I'm fine with that.

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