A dramatic opening └[ Ȍ Д Ȍ └]

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"Hey Knux! You ready to have some Christmas fun this year?" No, Sonic. I have to guard the master emerald." "Awwwww!" said Sonic, along with his other friends.

"But mister Knuckles, we hardly ever get to see you! It would be great to spend some time with you, right Cheese?" said Cream, blushing. "Chao, chao!"(Oh, and by the way, Cream has a crush on Knuckles)

"I'd love spending time with you, but I have work to do, okay?" said Knuckles, putting his hand on Cream's shoulder. After saying that, he left.

"Forget it Cream, he won't come. All he cares about is guarding that dumb rock." says Sonic. "Trust me, I'd like to see him more, too."

Knuckles went home, lonely. He lay down on the stairs of the master emerald's shrine. "Why?" he questioned. "Why do I have to be so alone? Why can't I spend time with my friends instead of sitting in front if this rock all my days?" He proceeded to cry himself to sleep.

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