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Today's the day, today's the day I'll see you. I'll see you at the alter. I don't even think you know what kind of effect you have on me. You mess with my head. The way you smile, your laugh, and we can't forgot about your personality. The one I fell in love with. I wonder if you're as nervous as I am? Are you ready to marry the man of your dreams? Are you having second thoughts?

Of course you're not, I know you aren't. I know you're ready to say 'I do' you've been thinking about this for years. I just hope your thoughts aren't like mine. I want you to feel happiness and to feel all the love in the world. Oh I should probably get ready... Shouldn't I?

It's been five minutes and my nerves are stopping me from putting on my tie. I can't, I can't do it I'm not ready for this! Why did I say yes to this? Man I'm so stupid. You won't be disappointed right? I knew it, I knew I would mess this up. How would you react if I didn't show up? Would you care?

'Are you ready?' Were the words I was looking at. Was I ready? I honestly wasn't, but I know I had to say something. I couldn't just say 'no' could I?

'Ready as I'll ever be' was all I could type back. I'm so thankful I had to text that and not talk on the phone because based on how I'm feeling I would most likely cry, something I rarely do. I wonder what you're doing right now. Are you already dressed? Rehearsing your vows? My guess you're done all those things by now. I know you're waiting, you're waiting to be walked down the aisle and to tie the knot. Could I bear that though?

'Hurry up Hinata and I are waiting outside.' I sighed for the hundred time today and got my shoes. I almost couldn't do it, my hands are shaking and I feel weak. I could do this, I just have to believe in myself more, everything will be fine after.. Right?

"Wow look at this place!" Hinata exclaimed while looking around the venue. I had to admit it was gorgeous. It felt weird being here though... It feels like I don't belong. It's like the venue is telling me to go home.

"When are we getting married Kageyama?" Hinata asked his boyfriend. Did he really have to ask this now?

"Whenever you want honey~" Kageyama smiled and hugged Hinata. I gagged at the couple in front of me. Can't they do that at a different time? Anyways today was meant to be focused on the wedding. That's when I saw more guests start to go to their seats and I followed. I went to my seat and sat next to Kageyama. Then I waiting. I waited until I heard the organ start and that's when I saw you. The one who's heart I broke. You look so happy, so full of love, and I know that that's all you're going to get in your life time with your significant other. I zoned out until I heard the beginning of the 'I do's'

"Do you take Tadashi as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do" Kaito smiled.

"Do you take Kaito as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked Tadashi.

"I do" Tadashi said while smiling and tearing up.

"The rings" the priest motioned. The couple then held onto the small piece of metal. They then continued.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day." Kaito smiled while putting the ring on Tadashi's ring finger.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you." Tadashi said while putting the ring on Kaito's ring finger.

"And now, by the power vested in me I hereby pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss" and that's what you did, you kissed your husband. Just how you and I used to. You're going to love him for the rest of your life, you're going to be happy for the rest of your life and that's the only thing I want for you. It's the only thing I've ever wanted for you.

"I'm heading home" I stated while getting up.

"Already? You don't want to go congratulate the newly weds?" Hinata asked.

"No I'm fine, congratulate them for me" and with that I waved and called Akiteru to come pick me up.  It only took him 15 minuets to arrive.

"Why'd you leave early?" My brother asked.

"I didn't feel good" I shrug. Akiteru muttered something and kept driving. "You sure you didn't feel good?"

"Yes, my stomach is acting up" Akiteru hummed in response. We finally arrived at my house and I thanked him and went inside.
I immediately went to the shower. It felt so nice, but I only came into the shower so I could cry. I just needed to cry until I couldn't cry anymore. I wanted to hug you so bad, I wanted to take you back to my house and what I want the most is for me to be able to call you mine.

"I miss you so much Yamaguchi!" I cried out. I called for you like you could hear me. What happened to me I really am lame.

Yamaguchi I want more than anything for you to come back to me, for you to lay in my arms, for you to say 'Tsukki' and I just want to hear you say you love me. I want all these things and I can never have them. I rejected you because I was scared. I told you I didn't love you and that I would never marry someone like you, but I realized after that fight that I loved you too much. I laid in the same bed but it felt different, our song even sounded different.

I remember the day you came to me and cried, I remember you were worried I didn't love you anymore. I remember telling you that I could never stop loving you. I realize that must look like a lie now, but the truth is I never stopped. After all these years I still mean it. I realize I should've been the one crying because I often felt like you didn't love me. Maybe if I was honest and I talked to you.. would you still be here? Would you be my husband? Would we live the life we always planned?

I realize now in the end, I messed everything up. You deserve all the love.. even if the love isn't from me. I'm so sorry I ruined things. I'm sorry I couldn't show affection like a good boyfriend should. I'm sorry I left before seeing you. I'm sorry I left you alone after the fight. I should've held you and talked things through. I'm sorry, because In the end I realize that I let the best thing I ever had go.. Because I was afraid if I held on too tight it would've broke, but it broke because it dropped. Since I let you go, I have to leave you in the past... so I guess goodbye Yamaguchi.

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