Anxiety Attack

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Everything was fine, until it wasn't. I blinked and I then couldn't breathe properly, my knees were shaking. I couldn't get rid of the anxious feeling in my chest, I just fell. I fell onto my achy knees and so badly wanted to scream at the anxious feeling that was not leaving my chest. I stayed on the cold floor longer than I would've liked to. Now I'd be okay with all this if I was at the comfort of my own home, but I wasn't. I was in the boys changing room at school. Knowing people were waiting on me didn't help me. It made me feel worse. Now why didn't I just get rid of the feeling, well it's not that easy. I can't just pick to have an anxiety attack, I got one so suddenly and so randomly all in the last 10 minutes.

"HINATA PAY ATTENTION!" I jumped at the loud yell of Kageyama. I tried to focus on my breathing, it wasn't getting easier. I want to go home. No I want to go home and cuddle Tsukki, but he's not in town at the moment. It's not fair, I need him right now. I really wish I would've brought my phone with me because now all I want is to hear his voice.

"Hey Yamaguchi, are you okay in there?" I heard Sugawara say from the outside door. Why he didn't just walk into the room is a mystery.

"Y-Yeah!" I failed trying to sound okay but at this point I'm ready to just go home. I no longer feel anxious but the anxiety took all my energy it made me just want to go home and cry. I slowly starting changing my shirt, no way was I going to be practicing now. I'll just practice extra hard next practice.

"Hey Yamaguchi what's wrong?" Hinata made his way towards me while I was trying to sneak out. I just smiled and went to move but Hinata blocked my way. "No seriously what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I promise.. I'm just not feeling good." Hinata was buying it, but I still felt like I was being interrogated.

"Oh okay, well I hope you feel better soon!" Hinata gave me his famous smile and I was just anxious to get home.. Not even smiles could cheer me up, that's a lie I knew his could.

I grabbed my bag and threw on my outdoor shoes. I hurried out of the gym, I sprinted till I could see the all too familiar door. I knocked and I was met with Akiteru.

"Oh hey Yamaguchi, Tsukki still doesn't get back til next week.. Do you need something?" Akiteru smiled at me and motioned me inside.
I stepped in and immediately found comfort.

"Hey.. I know he doesn't, but I was wondering if I could borrow something of his?" Akiteru gave me a confused look, but nonetheless he smiled again.

"It's not a problem with me. I don't think Kei would mind, do you?" I knew Tsukki wouldn't get mad or mind me borrowing something. I didn't even think to ask him before I ran here.

"I don't think so.. I just don't want him to get mad at me.." Akiteru shook his head.

"Kei getting mad at you? I don't think so, he loves you too much!" I smiled at Akiteru's words, I knew Tsukki loved me but I still felt like jelly when someone else mentions it.

"So I can borrow something?" I looked down and fiddle with my sweater, I knew Akiteru was bound to let me go to Tsukki's room.

"Yeah, like I said it's not a problem for me and I don't think Kei would mind. Before I let you go, are you okay? You seem a little anxious and not yourself." I gave him my best smile, maybe it looked fake but I knew I had show him I was still me.

"I'm doing alright I guess.. I will be okay though, I know I'll cheer up in like the next hour or so.." I tried to do my biggest and  brightest smile. I even got one in return. Akiteru motioned for me to go to Tsukki's room.

I walked down the hall, making sure to look at every picture hung. I started to cheer up just looking at the old pictures of Tsukki and I. I paused at his door. I felt my hands shake. I grabbed the door knob and quickly opened it. I was met with a made bed and everything was in its place. I smiled, being in this room was close to Tsukki giving me a hug. I went over to his closet. I was met with his hoodies. I felt my whole body getting tingly, I grabbed one and threw it on. It smelt just like him.

I went and laid down. I know I said I felt like I was getting a hug but I just wanted him here, he's always here when I feel anxious. Every anxiety attack I've had he was there. I just smelt the hoodie, the only problem was that my eyes were blurring. I quickly wiped my eyes, but the tears kept coming. I sobbed, I started getting nervous I didn't want Akiteru or Tsukki's mother to hear me. I quickly shoved my face into the pillow, it smelt like him and even though I was crying I smiled.

Five minutes of crying, I could feel my eyes becoming sore and my head was now pounding. I just stayed in the pillow though. I felt my eyes start to shut. I could feel sleep taking over, as much as I wanted to open my eyes and head home I couldn't. The scent of Tsukki was taking over and the next thing I knew I was dreaming.

I felt something grab me and I immediately jumped, maybe Akiteru was mad because I was supposed to be home by now. I opened my eyes to be met with a dark room. What time was it? I needed to get home, mom must be worried by now. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize that two strong arms were around my waist.

"Hello.." I whispered, was I still dreaming?

"Hi love" and with those I started sobbing again. Was Tsukki really here?

"Babe?" I felt the arms around me loosen up. I turned to face Tsukki. I immediately grabbed his face. I felt everything, his ears, glasses and I felt his face start moving and I knew he was smiling. I then felt his hands wipe my tears away.

"Why are you crying?" I felt the arm go around me again. I couldn't stop crying now.

"I-I had a bad day.. I couldn't practice I had an a-anxiety attack too.." I was hiccuping now.

"I should've been there. I'm sorry Yamaguchi.. I missed you all day. I finished my courses early and I took the next bus home. I was on my way to your house, but Akiteru texted me telling me you were here. I came home to find you curled up in my bed. You're so adorable. I'm glad I'm here now.." I could feel a real smile starting to form. I rolled into Tsukki's arms and hugged him tight.

"It's okay, you're not always gonna be right next to me. I know you'll always be with me in my heart though. Just coming here and seeing photos of you or wearing your hoodie made me feel better! Your love still found me, even though you were six hours away. Tsukki I love you." Tsukki went for a kiss straightaway. I was definitely smiling into the kiss. I felt my body give me the same tingly feeling that I got earlier when I put on his hoodie. Tsukki turned on the lamp next to him. Tsukki pulled away and I got lost in his eyes. I watched him smile.

"I love you too love. However you're right though, my love will always find my love! No matter where I am or what I'm doing, I'm always thinking of you. Something as simple as strawberries make me smile, I think of you blushing and I get all giddy. Also it's ten o'clock, you're staying the night. My mom already called your mom." I felt the grin on my face became wider. I leaned in for a kiss again I was of course met with Tsukki's lips. The next thing I knew we were cuddling. I told him all about my day and how I missed him the days he was gone. Tsukki told me about his and how he also missed me.

Tsukki fell asleep, the room was now quiet. All I could hear was Tsukki's breathing and his heartbeat. Even though the afternoon was terrible, it's now in the past. I'm now with my boyfriend in his arms and I couldn't ask for anything better. Sure I'll still get anxiety attacks, but I know Tsukki will always be with me.

(A\N I hope you guys enjoyed this!! Sorry if there's mistakes~ Sorry it took so long to update, but schools been long. Anyways thanks for reading <3)

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