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I feel this deep sadness within my soul.  about the world how broken it seems and how unfixable and sad it is...we all are living in this bubble, we have narrowed our views on life. Most of us don't see what we are doing to ourselves. We are born we study for 12 years then further studying just to get a good job. We work 6 days a week. Just to earn a piece of paper called money which humans itself created. It was made to make life easier, but no it was a huge error. Thereafter we get married we get kids. Then on we work our best just to  earn for them and make better lives for them. We make them do what we couldn't do. But that fails too cuz they end up doing the same thing the  rest of the world does. Then we grow old and we die. It's like this sinful circle we are living. No one seems to stop all of it for a while, look around and think...what are we doing with our lives? Or simply what have we done to our lives?!
No one seems to be bothered to realise why we are alive. The purpose of our existence. Bcuz all of us are just too busy running after money just to live another day...that we forget to realise that we are indeed just surviving not living. And simply destroying our own selves from the burdens we humans itself has created...money.
We have given so much power to this piece of paper called money that if a person cannot work hard for it they die of hunger.
Why have we done this to ourselves? Why have we given it so much power over us?
Why don't we just stop for a while and look around and realise what we've done? I guess it's too late now...we stopping to look around and realising would mean to most people losing in the game of earning money. 
Life is not about earning, it's not about love or finding your perfect partner.
It's not about travelling the world just because you like it. It's not about being successful.
No one knows why we are here...so we've all decided to just inhabit this earth and now we've made it ours. And now we're all destroying it while most of us are convinced that we are just saving it. It's too late to stop now...we've gone too far. Thus the pain in my soul only deepens with time for no one seems to see the world the way I do...I wish they did.

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